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(A/N): These rules MUST be followed by the roleplayers, some rules make this book easier for me, while others make it easier for you guys. Okay? Okay, good! Oh, one more thing. I would like to see some guys in this as well, it won't be too fun if everyone is female. Lol. With that said...Let's begin! ^^

1.) Please fill out the ENTIRE form before submitting it. I will accept tags for appearance only, but you do still have to fill out the form in my book. This will just make it to where I can look you up easily if I need to look over you form for information during the roleplay.

2.) Do NOT comment in the roleplay area until I have accepted your form. I will try my best to look through all of the forms to make sure I haven't looked over anyone.

3.) No more then four OCs or characters per person. You can mention people, but cannot make them roleplayable characters if you've already reached your 4 person limit. This will also include me, I cannot play every single cannon character in a roleplay, I will probably have a hard enough time just playing all four turtles when I have too.

4.) Please do not try to force the turtles into relationships with your characters. This roleplay book is not for romance but more for action and fun. I do not mind you having a crush on them per say, but I will make no promises that your hoped for ship will happen.

5.) Make sure that when you reply you do so in THIRD PERSON, and no text talk!

❌ No: OC: *walks up with a smile* HI! *waves happily*

❌ No: I walk up with and smile and wave at the turtles. "Hi!"

✔ Yes: The human teen walked up to the turtles with a nervous smile. "Hi." They said in a friendly manner.

I'm sorry to people who roleplay like this, but I really dont. Text talk is what I use in Ask and Dare books, not for full on roleplay, and first person just makes me feel awkward, especially when they refer to me as 'you'...

6.) Please make sure that your replies are at least three to five sentences long. The longer the reply the more I have to work with. There is a good chance that I will not reply to one sentence or one word replies. Please be discriptive so that I have something to work with when I reply to you.

7.) Please don't tag me if I don't reply right away. If it's been a few days, then you can tag me, but please don't do it constantly, as in within minutes or an hour of each other. This just makes it to were I don't accidentally look over a comment just because I have so many tags that have been sent to me by the same person.

8.) Please be considerate of others, do not bash their character(s), or how that character acts. If you don't like the character that's fine, but don't lash out at the person playing then just because you can. I have had friends quit roleplaying completely just because of people being mean to them because of how their character looked.

9.) No making your character supernatural creatures.
(Examples - Fairies, Unicorns [I've had this was weird], Vampires, Giants, Werewolves, etc.) Demons and Witches are okay to an extent, but you cannot make them OP. This rule will also affect Gary-sues and Mary-sues, they take all the fun out of roleplaying. Some things are ment to be wacky and out of place at times.

10.) No intermingling fandoms, this book is strictly for TMNT, so no bringing in character from other fandom at any point during the roleplay. This can get EXTREMELY confusing very quick, I should know, one of my older roleplay books had this happen. It was fun at first but...-_-...that didn't stay fun forever...

11.) Cussing is allowed but don't go overboard, you can cuss when angry, occasionally, or when in a fight, but try not to do it just any time you please. I don't want this book to be deleted by Wattpad because one person can't stop cussing like a sailor...

12.) Do not but into other people's chains, UNLESS you were invited by both participating roleplayers. One of the most annoying things is some random person butting in to say nothing but a number like 100 or 69 when I'm in the middle of a roleplay. It's annoying and is inconvenient for all of us when it happens...
Post the password COWABUNGA at the end of your form so I know you read the rules.

13.) Make sure that you follow the rules of this book. You will be given a total of three strikes for violating these rules, once those strikes are up I'll have no choice but to kick you out of the roleplay. This will only happen if something serious happens though, small things that only happen once will not affect, but if you keep doing it I'll have no choice but to give you a strike.

14.) HAVE FUN!!!

I'll post the form page soon. I will not use any OCs, so I will mostly be playing Donnie (duh...) and Mikey. I'll occasionally play Raph and Leo when I have too. If I have a specific page, like a second generation page I will put up the girls I made for group oneshots in my TMNT Daughter scenario book, and let you choose if you want me to use all 5 (yes five, Donnie has twin girls), or if you want to be an only kid and and can take out that one girl.

P.S. - Please keep in mind that OCs cannot be used in every update, some may be strictly for the turtles and other cannon characters. ^^

Anyways, that will be all for this page. I know it may seem like a lot of rules, but I can be pretty lenient on some of them. I just try to be discrprive so I don't confuse people. If you have any questions let me know.

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