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Name: Nathaniel
Nickname: Nate, Nat, Nattie
Age: 14 (or at least the same age as Leo and Donnie)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sibling(s): None (had a brother who died in the army)
Appearance: He is a short(ish) boy at about 5'4", he has tan skin, shaggy dark brown almost black hair that he usually had pulled back in either a messy bun or a ponytail and dark green eyes. He is usually is wearing his older brother's old clothes so it almost always resembles army clothes. His most common outfit are khaki pants, a light tan t-shirt, and his brother's combat boots. He has a piercing on his eyebrow and his a tongue piercing and is always wearing his brother's army tags around his neck.

 He has a piercing on his eyebrow and his a tongue piercing and is always wearing his brother's army tags around his neck

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Personality: At first he seems very quiet, untrusting, and is clearly a social outcast. But if one manages to get to know him they'll find that he is very sweet, with a good sense of humor, a big heart, and an endless supply of love and support for his loved ones. He is very artistic but self conscious of his abilities so he doesn't show his skills often. He has anxiety and is nervous meeting new people but once he warms up to them he's fine. He is fairly smart but doesn't usually show it so he isn't called out for it. He is selfless and brave, so even though he doesn't like to fight he will if he has to to save his friends, family, or himself.
Weapon: He isn't much of a fighter but he is skilled with a bat since he use to play baseball.
Bandana Color: None (representative color is tan)
Like(s): Music, Drawing, playing around and goofing off with friends, video games, relaxing, and watching TV
Dislike(s): Fighting(both physical and verbal), loud noises, being yelled at, feeling helpless, being abandoned or left behind, people disrespecting veterans or anyone for that matter, and the dark
Weakness(es): His main weaknesses are that he is a pretty big pacifist and only really fights if he is forced to, and having to talk about his brother (since they were so close it hurts him so much to talk about him). He also does have occasional panic/anxiety attacks if he gets too stressed out or too upset so he has to try his best to stay calm.
Other: After losing his brother he closed himself up and was distant from almost everyone, and refused to ever take of the dog tags that belonged to his sibling. He also has a bad habit of drawing on himself so he usually wears a hoodie or jacket while as school to hide his drawings.
Backstory: He was born in the state of Tennessee and was eight years younger the his older brother James, who went into the army when he was ten years old. He did everything with his brother, and for the most part relied on him the most. He lost his mother to cancer when he was six and his father was constantly off on business trips, meaning that James raised him. When James went off to join the army, Nathaniel's father had to come home to take care of him. Since his father was never around Nathaniel didn't really trust him that much, and within a year his father was back to going on business trips constantly, leaving Nathaniel home alone a lot. When Nathaniel was about eleven he got the devastating news that his brother had died during combat. His father didn't care enough to come to his son's funeral, but their aunt who lived in New York did. After seeing how her brother in law treated her nephew(s) Nathaniel's aunt, Deleah, convinced his father to sign custody of his son over to her and she legally adopted him. Not long after James's funeral Nathaniel had to pack up his belongs in Tennessee and move with his aunt to New York. His aunt didn't have any kids, but Nathaniel would come visit her and spend the summers with her constantly so he was use to her treating him like her child. He had a close relationship with his aunt, both him and his brother did, so they were both taking the loss of James pretty hard. Once Deleah had gotten Nathaniel settled into his new home, and given him time to mourn, she enrolled him in school and started to help him get back to a normal life. He now goes to high school but isn't really the most social kid, only really hanging put with one maybe two kids, but is still trying to live a good life.

(A/N): I don't know how much I'll use him or if I'll use him at all but I do have him just in case, and I love him. ^^


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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