Chapter 15

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Noah POV

We finally arrived at the one place that the guys and I always go muddin at. I have never been muddin with Lynzie before I hope she isn’t a priss I don’t think she is but you never know. I really like her she is sweet, nice and she has an amazing personality.

All us guys are Vampires are parent were friends before we were born and that’s why we became friends we I was born in April, Sam in march and Alec in June. The girls's birthdays are close to Sierra's in March, Lynzie in april and Alyssa in July.

It is now April 1st 10 days till my birthday and their is 38 days till Lynzie's because her birthday is on May 9th. I am planning to throw her a surprise party with me and her sister and only her close friends. Lynzie has severe Social Anxiety she has learned to cope with it but i dont want her having a panic attack on her birthday at her party so it is only going to be close friends.

All i know is on my birthday im telling Lynzie that im a vampire it scares be to thin about this because if i ever get out of control i dont want to hurt her. Also i dont want to tell her because i dont want her to leave me because im a vampire but i have decided to tell her on my birthday which is in 10 days i need to get myself together.

We all went seperate directions Lynzie and I to the east Sam and Sierra to the north and Alyssa and Alec to the west just so we dont crash into each other. We all decided to meet up at 2:30 in the trail parking lot because when we arrived it was 1:30 so we decided to go muddin for an hour.

Me and lynzie had so much fun we started to head back and we were about 3 miles from the trail parking lot when lynzie saw a kitten stuck in the mud i stopped because i knew she ould want to help it out since she is an animal lover. I got out too just incase she needed my help. this was literally the cutest moment i have ever seen. Lynzie walkedup t the kittle let it s,mell her then picked it up out of the mud placed it down where there was grass and then she started walking back to the truck and the kitten followed her and she picked it up and said i guess im bringing you home haha.

We started driving the rest of the way to the parking lot when the cat meowed when it tried to stand up Lynzie checked it out and said the cat would need a cast she had broken her hind leg while trying to get out of the mud. So when we got to the trail parking lot i told the guys i was taking lynzie to the vet and they were all like what the hell she isnt an animal and i told them about the kitten and what happened so we started drving away when lynzie screamed out the window dont sit on the couches if your muddy and when i get back we will have a car wash party they all screamd yeah yeah we know.

Lynzie POV

We arrived at the vet and i took the kitten with me to the front desk and the lady told us to wait so we sat down in the aiting room and after like 5 minuets which wasnt long at all the vet told us she would see her now so i went back and told the vet and she said she ,ay have a borken paw by the looks of it but we need exrays just to be shure   * like excuse me i think you can tell if a cat has a browken hind leg you dont NEED xrays you want me to give you more money so you say you "need" x-rays haha funny* so she took the kitten back and got the xrays and concluded the kitten had the broken leg she casted it and told me to come back in 3 weeks and i said ok and with that we left.

I insluded a picture of noah on the side

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