Out On Highway 109

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Mary Anne walked onto the balcony that she and Wanda shared. Wanda was sitting in one of the chairs watching the sunset, her face almost unreadable. Almost. Mary Anne pulled up a chair and took her hand. Wanda leaned into Mary Anne, and they watched the sun fade together. In Wanda's eyes, Mary Anne saw every bad thing Earl ever did to Wanda. She saw the way she froze when glass broke, or couldn't stop shaking if she broke something. Once, Mary Anne saw Wanda have a nervous breakdown because she dropped a lightbulb. In her eyes, she saw everything that happened while Mary Anne wasn't looking, and she swore to herself for the hundredth time that no harm would come to her ever again. Mary Anne wasn't sure she could undo what Earl had done, but she sure as hell was gonna try, fashion dreams be damned. Even if it meant sacrifice, she would love Wanda until she learned to love herself again. Wanda fell asleep on Mary Anne's shoulder, and she smiled. They were going to be fine.

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