i..thought you loved me...

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Izuku's POV
Me and todoroki-kun started dating a couple months ago. We decided we should tell the rest of the class on Monday. I wake up to seeing all-might posters all over my walls as I get up and walk to my bathroom. I did my daily routine; brush my teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast and stuff like that. After I finish everything I grab my keys, open the door and lock it behind me.-buzz- my phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach in and turn it on to see a text from todoroki-kun. 'We have to talk' I read as I go on my morning jog. 'Yeah? What's up?' I text him back. ' can you come over?' He replies. 'Oh sure.' I answer as I turn my phone off, put it in pocket and go on my morning jog. 'He seamed.... Serious.. I sure it's nothing' I thought to my self as I continue with my jog.
As I'm running I pass by todoroki-kun's house. I walk up and knock on the door. The door opens up and todoroki stands in front of me. " come in. Follow me to my room." He says as he turns around and goes up the stairs. I walk in.

"Thanks for having me" I mutter to myself. It's not like someone is going to care anyways. I sigh, take off my shoes and go up the stairs. I open todorokis door to his room and get greeted to todoroki siting on his bed. I awardly close the door behind me and sit down beside him. "So... Y-you wanted to talk to me?" I say nervously to him. He seems tense. ".....I'm sorry Izuku..." He says looking down. Oh no... He...he never calls me by my first name.. Please not be something bad... "Y-yeah what's up?" I say trying not to sound as scared then I really am. "We..we can't do this anymore."he says looking away from me. "Wha...what do you mean?" I'm starting to tear up. " us. We can't do us anymore. I'm sorry. It won't work. It can't." He says, still not looking at me. "I... I don't understand..." I answer back. Now endless tears flow down my face. " I thought.. I thought you loved me.. You said you loved me... I... I-i don't understand..." I say as I cover my face full of tears with my hands. " I'm sorry but.. I don't love you anymore.." He says still looking away." But why? What did I do wrong? Please.. Don't leave me."I say in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry. But you have to go." He answers. "I'm.. I'm sorry I wasted your time..." I says as I run out of the house.
Katuki's POV
This morning that old hag asked me to go buy her some stuff at the grocery store so I put on some Grey sweat pants a black tank top and a dark navy blue sweater. I put on my shoes, grab my keys and slam the door behind me. "Damn it's colder that I thought." I mumble to myself as I start walking to the main sidewalk. As I'm walking I see deku run past me. " the hell.. What's his problem?" I mumble and continue walking. Wait a second.. Was he .. Crying??!? I thought to myself. I quickly turn around and run up to him. He opens the door to his house, kicks off his shoes , runs upstairs and slams the door to his room completely forgetting to even close the front door to his house. I click my tongue and walk in his house.
"OI! SHITTY DEKU YOU IDIOT YOU COMPLETELY LEFT YOUR DOOR OPEN!" I yell as I take off my shoes. "I DONT CARE! LEAVE ME ALONE KACCHAN!!!!!!!!!!!" He yells back in a shaky voice. The hell why the hell is he talking back?!! I swear I gonna kick his ass when I see him- I walk up to his door to his room and as I was about to kick it down I hear a sob.'why did he do this to me? Am I not good enough?' I hear a soft sobbing voice behind his door that seems as thin as paper." Oi deku. What 'Cha cryin' about ?"I say as nice as I possibly can even though I'm a jerk most of the time. Please not be about that half and half bastard. " it's todoroki-kun"the small boy replies.'sigh'"what did that bastard do this time?" I asked.

"He*sob* he said ...he said h-he...he doesn't love me." He replied. I opened the door to see deku curled up in a ball on the corner of his bed. The room was pitch black and filled with Izuku's sobs."midoriya...""huh?" Before he could answer I pull him into a tight hug. Izuku tightened up from the surprise hug."kacchan...." He says softly as he loosens up and hug me back just as tight.
He puts his face into my shoulder and starts to cry like there's no tomorrow. "I thought he loved me... What did I do wrong?" Deku sobs in my shoulder. "You did nothing wrong idiot deku...
You don't deserve that half n' half bastard." I say. Good thing his mom is on a business trip. She would of flipped out seeing deku cry like this. "Hey nerd look at me." I say as I break the hug to look at him. He had puffy eyes and messy bed head hair. Before I notice a soft smile and a blush creeps up on my face. "Why are you smiling?" The small boy asks me. "Your just so cute how can I not smile." I whisper loud enough for the both of us to hear. 'FUCK I SAID THAT OUT LOUD' I thought to my self as deku starts to turn a scarlet red. "Pfft" I start to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Deku questions. " it's just that.. I think I'm falling in love with ya nerd. It's fine if you don't love me back. Don't worry I'll make you fall for me."I say as I look away trying to hide my blushing face.
I pull him back into our hug."then make me fall for you.....kacchan...."Izuku replied and before they know it the two boys fall asleep in each other's arms.
"I like a challenge." I whisper as I slowly fall asleep.

-end of chapter 1-

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