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Izuku's POV
After todoroki-kun broke up to me I began having dark thoughts and right after depression and anxiety took over my life and my thoughts.
My mom noticed and decided to make me  appointments with a therapist. I also noticed kacchan has been very nice to me recently but to be honest... None of that is working. The therapists, the help , kindness....nothing. I've made up my mind. Tomorrow I will commit suicide. I will finally be set free of these chains of guilt and anxiety. I've made up my mind.
Tomorrow I will die.
I wake up to my alarm.
"Izuku! What do you want for breakfast?" My mom yells out from the kitchen as I turn my alarm off and go to the bathroom, closed the door and slid down leaning against the door. . "I'm not hungry." I replied back. I hear her foot steps coming up the stairs to the washroom door. " please honey just eat something. You haven't eaten properly in weeks." She asks gently as she stands in front of the door. "I'm worried." She says. "I'm fine mom. Please don't worry about me. I'll eat an apple or something." I reply back. "Ok thank you. I love you very much Izuku." She says as she sighs of relief. 'I love you too mom. Please don't worry about me when
I'm gone.' I thought as I take off my clothes and hop in the shower.
-time skip to school-
I walk into the classroom and set my stuff on my desk. "Hey nerd. Wanna hang out after school?" Kacchan asks me as he walks to his desk behind me. "Sorry I can't." I reply back. "Oh that's fine." He says as kirishima-kun walks up to kacchan and starts talking to him. I sigh and turn around as mr aizawa walks in and starts class. 'I'm sorry kacchan.' I thought. Kacchan can live without me. He's strong.
-time skip (again)-
"Hey deku!!" Uraraka joyfully calls out to me. "Wanna eat lunch with us?" She asks as lida walks up behind her. Oh yeah. Todoroki-Kun moved schools a couple of months ago. I asked him why and all he said was stay away from me. It's fine I guess. I won't be around for much longer anyways. "Sorry guys I can't and anyways I'm not hungry." I reply as I look down. "Come on deku. Please cheer up and tell us what's wrong." Uraraka said as she turned from happy to worried as well as lida-kun.
"I'm..fine really." I respond. "Deku.. Are you sur-" before she could respond I start walking away."I'm sorry." I say as I run into an random extra room the school had. I'm guessing it used to be a classroom because it has some old desks lying around. I decided to make a letter to everyone who I care about before I die. I pulled out some paper from my bag as well as a pen. I start to write.
Dear kacchan.....
Katuki's POV
Lately deku has been pretty off. Stupid ass kirishima just had to come and annoy me when I was just about to ask deku if he's ok. I swear I'm gonna kill that idiot when I find him. "Bakugo! Bakugo!" Who the hell is yell my name? I turn around while I was walking in the hallway and to my surprise round face (uraraka) is yelling my name. She and four eyes (lida) comes running up to me. "The hell you want gravity bitch?" I hiss at her.
"It's deku! He ran off some where and we can't find him!" She says as she try's to catch her breath from running. Deku? What the hell did that dumb ass do this time? "Do you know where he is?" She asks. "Not a clue." I say back. "Oh ok. Let's keep on looking lida-kun!" She says as they run off. *tch* I pull out my phone from my pocket and text deku.

Bakugo: hey nerd where are you right now?
Midoriya: please don't look for me kacchan.
Bakugo:you can't tell me what to do.
Midoriya: by the way I love you.

The hell? Wait... Don't tell me.. NO! he's not that stupid! He wouldn't.. Kill him self..would he?
-flash back-
"Hey nerd wanna hang out after school?"
"Sorry I can't ."
-back to the present time-
No! He doesn't do anything after school but study! Why am I so stupid??? Where would he be? ....the roof..
I start to run as fast as I can and made my way to the roof. I open the door and see deku standing on the edge of  the roof with his shoes placed behind him with letters in one of his shoes. "Deku! Get down from there now!!" I yell as I run to him. He turns around. "I love you kacchan. Good bye." He says as he lets his body fall of the edge. No! You're not leaving me! "WAIT!" I yell as I run to him. I grab his arm as he dangles from a 10 feet drop to his death. "Deku.." I grunt as I try to pull my self up so I can help deku up. "Please. I still need you..." He starts to tear up. "please.. Izuku." I say. "I'm sorry kacchan." He says he grabs the ledge and I use all my strength to pull him up even if I know I'll fall in the process. He climbs up and I fall.
I didn't know I would die like this.
Well I guess I saved deku at least.
Good bye deku. I love you too.
I thought as I fall into a tree braking my legs and my arm.
White fades into black.
Word count:970

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