the littlest winchester

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Though it is nearly two and a half months later, nothing has really changed since Gabriel became involved. The boys still hunt (Dean rarely leaves the bunker, though), and Cas still loves Dean with his whole heart, as Dean does Cas. Castiel was babbling on about marriage and 'holy matrimony' or whatever a month back, and so Dean said screw it and proposed right then and there outside his beloved Impala, with pie crumbs littering his chipmunk cheeks. Cas, obviously, said yes, and they tried to keep the ring as inconspicuous as possible.

Sam noticed after two weeks of the two being engaged, and Cas nonchalantly lied it off as one of Jimmy's mementoes he found while rummaging through a spare set of pants that he had decided to wear to keep his vessel's memory alive. Sam, though slightly sceptical, believed this story and went on as usual.

He is still completely oblivious to his brother's relationship, engagement, and upcoming fatherhood on the day when Castiel and Dean lay contentedly in his bed, within a cocoon of bedclothes. They are watching Mamma Mia! for the fourth time that day, and Cas still cries when Donna tells Sophie about her disownment by her mother. Though he will not admit it, Dean sheds a few manly tears as well.

They listen to Sam and Gabriel bicker endlessly as the movie plays on, their argument over whether "bazinga" is a valid Scrabble word becoming more interesting than Meryl Streep. They laugh as Gabe runs away from the Moose, carrying the scrabble board as he sprints. Sam screeches at Gabe for being a poor sport as he locks himself in his room, pouting like a small child. Yes, Gabriel had decided to move into room 27, right next door to room 26, which is Sam's quarters.

Dean reaches out to hold Cas' hand, and he moves their linked ones to his stomach, which now looks to be a fully pregnant belly. They feel for kicks, as they usually do, and when they feel one they rate the strength on a scale of one to ten. Usually, they range from a four to a seven, but today, the little Winchester decided that he'd pummel his father's insides like there was no tomorrow.

The duo had decided not to find out the sex of the child, because as Cas said, "Nephilim are genderless and it won't matter anyway." Dean still feels that it matters, but Cas is the one pregnant, so he lets him have that one. Though they only want the baby to be healthy, they both secretly hope for a boy. Dean would have a chance to father their son as his father neglected to do for him and Sam, and Cas would teach him how to activate the Netflix.

"Whoa," Dean mutters at the child's kick against his hand, "kid, calm down. We get it, you're strong."

Cas suddenly feels a very strange tingle creeping up his spine and his eyes flash golden yellow. His back stiffens and he feels like he is outside his vessel, watching as the miracle of life begins to set itself in motion. Damnit, Eve.

"Cas?" Dean asks, sensing that something is wrong just from the way that Cas' muscles tense against his touch. "Everything alright, babe?"

Castiel exhales with a silent grunt and forces a smile. "Yes. Yeah, everything's fine."

Dean shuts off the television and faces his angel, a concerned look dwelling behind his apple green eyes. "Honeybee, I can tell when something's wrong. If you're in pain, just tell me, and I'll—"

"No, Dean, I'm not in pain. At least not yet." Cas whispers, a scared whimper escaping his thin lips as he massages his swollen stomach.

The hunter catches on, and his eyes widen with anxiety. "Holy shit. It's time?! Now?! Oh, god, should I get Gabriel?"

Castiel shakes his head and hunches over, a strained gasp accompanying his pain. "No. I don't want anyone in here except you. Not Gabe, not Sam, nobody."

"Um...okay, Cas, I get it, but I am not a baby doctor," Dean stutters through shock, terror, and anticipation.

"Then go get your degree instead of stalling and help me out here!" Cas sarcastically replies (possibly for the first time in his incredibly long life) as he yelps in pain. Just then, a rainbow wave of colours floods into the room like Noah's flood, the haze being transparent enough to see through without difficulties.

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