4. It's Not Funny

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-----Lance's pov-----

Once I entered the gym, I started to look around for Pidge. When I did finally find her, I wasn't surprised to see her sitting on the floor by the wall on her phone. Because the lesson hasn't started yet we still allowed have our phones, when the class starts we all have to put them in a box, that the teacher locks away in her office till the end of class.

I headed over to her and sit with her. She doesn't seem to notice me, maybe I can scare her like Hunk did to me.

"So Pidge you excited for sport?" I say, louder than my normal voice, but not so loud that everyone in the gym will hear.

"What kind of question is that Lance? It's sport, of course I'm not. And what's up with your voice man?" She says unphased.

"I...No fair! You were supposed to jump!" I exclaim. She raised a eyebrow at me.

"And how was that gonna work exactly?" She ask amused by my outburst.

"You weren't supposed to see me, and then, I....I don't know you were just supposed to jump. That's it! " I say.

"So let me get this straight, you expected me not to notice you walking over here, sit down next to me, and then talk to me?" She asked, still raising her eyebrow at me.

"Yes." I simply say. Crossing my arms over my chest, and looking the other way.

"You do realise that you did not even try to be discreet, when came over here. And when you sat down you did it so hard, that I felt the vibrations from the impact through the floor. Right? Not to mention your voice, what on earth were you trying to do with that exactly? Did you seriously think that you would be able to scare me like that?" She said.

"I....I...Well I can't help it it have some kind of super human senses , can I. And how was I supposed sit down quietly! You are sitting on the floor. I don't know if you noticed but that's quite a long way down! Also did you just call me fat!!!" I yell at her, frustrated, turning my head to face her. Then she starts laughing at me, I turn my head back to its original position and let out a small huff. That just made her laugh even more for some reason.

"What!" I snap, rather annoyed.

"Haha I'm sorry. Haha it's just you look like a little kid who didn't get his way, with your arms crossed like that. No to mention that little huff, that sounded just like a kid. It was adorable." she barely managed to say. By this point she was rolling around on the floor, dying of laughter. HOW did this backfire on me so bad! I was going to was scare her, she would scream, and I would be the one rolling around on the floor dying of laughter, NOT the other way around!

"Um....Pidge? You all right there?" Hunk asks as he came out of the locker room and approached us.

"Oh Hunk, it was so funny. Lance tried to scare me, but it was like he didn't even try. He might as well have just come to me and said boo." She said from the floor.

"And then he just started pouting like a child. It was so funny." She said, as she started to calm down from her laughing fit and breath normally again. But Hunk though that was the perfect moment to tell her what happened in the locker room, lets just say that her calm state quickly dissolved into hysterical laughter again. I really can't catch a break, can I.

After about a minute or two of Pidge and Hunk laughing like two idiots, that as far as anyone else is concerned for no reason. The bell rings and the teacher comes out of her office with  the box for all the phones. She comes back out and puts it on the table so that the students can put their phones in. Some people are already putting theirs in, I get up from my spot and head to do the same. By the time I've dropped off my phone, Hunk and Pidge have FINALLY calmed down and are able to breath again. They come over and put their phones down, but unfortunately much to my disappointment they are still chuckling about the whole thing. Maybe they will forget about it by the end of class, hopefully they will.

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