7. Black Writing

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The nurse was right, by the time she had finished making sure I was ok, the bell rang signaling the end of the day.  Alexa and I walked out of the school building, we were headed to the school gates to wait for Hunk, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. When I get it out, I see that Hunk had just sent me a message, well speak of the devil, it said that he was going over to Pidges so they can work on their science project.

I put my phone away and look at Alexa " Hunk's going to Pidges, so we don't have to walk back with him."

" Ok, well in that case. What do you want to do? We could go home or go and hang out somewhere for a while." Alexa asks

" Lets go to the park for a bit. After today I think we both need to just relax for a few hours. " I reply feeling exhausted after all that has happened.

" Yeah, actually that sounds nice." She says

" Well what are we waiting for? " I ask with a grin " Last one there is a rotten egg! " I exclaim as I start to run in the direction of the park.

" Hey! Come back here!" She says as she starts to run after me.

With me in the lead, we made it to the park entrance, but I don't stop there I head straight to the tree line. Alexa is still hot on my tail, as I run through the trees to special place. I lose sight of Alexa, when I finally reach the base of the tree house, I am exhausted. I have to climb up to the tree house before Alexa can get here, otherwise I'll lose. I climb up the ladder as quickly as I can, which isn't very fast compared to my usual speedy ascent. As soon as I get to the top I go in the house and collapse on the makeshift sofa, it's essentially a bunch of pillows and some wood pallets holding it together. I lay there for a bit before I hear someone climbing up the ladder, I raise my head to see Alexa. 

" I win! " I say with a smirk.

" Yeah because you cheated! "She said, sitting next to me and pointing an accusing finger at me.

" What! How, tell me how I 'cheated' as you put it. " I ask, making the quotes signs with my fingers.

" You got a head start! " She exclaimed, waving her arms at me. I laugh at her, she huffed and crossed her arms. As I laugh my eye catches a glimpse of black on and red all over her arms. For the past four months or so, she has been wearing long sleeves, before she always used to wear tank tops. So I never noticed but as I look more closely at it, I realise its writing, but the really interesting thing is that it's two different styles of writing. As if there were from two different people. It couldn't be from her friends, the few classes we do have together she always has her sleeves down. Not to mention if you want to pass notes during class and be discrete, you tend to do it on a piece of paper, not you own arm. Where could she have gotten it from? Could she...could it be her soulmate? She is a year older than me by four months and I turned 18 about two months ago. So it is possible now that I think about it, but if that's true then why didn't she tell me about them. I've been trying to find mine for MONTHS she could have at least told me that I could speed up the process by writing on my arm, even if she kept the fact she had found hers a secret I wouldn't have minded.

" Alexa... What's that on your arm? " I asks, curious as to what she would respond. She seemed to tense slightly at the mention of her arm, as she moves her sleeves down to cover the writing. " What are you talking about? " She asks, nervously rubbing her arm, she always does that when she doesn't know what to say.

" That ink on your arm, what is it? " I ask. She refuses to look at me as she stares out the window. " it's um... It's Just some doodles I did in my Spanish class, they were doing really basic stuff so I got bored and started to draw." she answered, sounding more relaxed and satisfied with her explanation.

" Please don't lie to my. There are no drawings on your arm, just writing. " I say slowly. She freezes and is tense again. After a moment she starts rubbing her arm again." I..... that was just me and Lucy. As a joke she desided to write on my arm while I wasn't paying attention, and it became a writing war - me on her and her on me." she said. " Haha what I have is nothing, you should have seen the state she was in. She had writing all over her face. " She was laughing at this point.

I'm still unsure if it was true or not. " So you and Lucy had a writing fight together, in class?" I ask, just to make sure that's the story she is sticking with. " Well no, not in class you dope, we would have gotten caught immediately. We were outside eating lunch, well I was, she was doing her crossword puzzle. " she said, sticking her tongue out at me, if I thought she was telling the truth, I would probably respond by sticking mine out too. But I don't. I wish I did but I can tell that there something she's keeping from me. " So it was you and Lucy? " I ask one last time. " Yep" she said smiling, no longer rubbing her arm. I finally drop my gaze away from her, to the floor and sigh.

" Alexa. There are two different writing styles on your arm..." Her smile drops. " Please. Alexa don't lie to me. You know I won't judge you and whatever it is I won't tell anyone if I don't want me to.... Do... Do you not trust me."

" I... I'm sorry Lance. I do, I trust you more than anyone, its just.... I wanted to keep it a secret for a while. And I guess I just didn't notice the time pass. I'm sorry. " She said reaching for my hands and squeezing them.  " It's just kind of a really big deal and I wanted to let I sink in before I told anyone, I'm really sorry.... Do you want to be the first person I tell.?" She ask coaxingly, smiling at me and squeezing my hands. I look up at her and nod my head yes. Her smile grows and turns into a grin." Ok, so you can't tell anyone, at least not yet. I still want to keep it a secret for a bit more. Ok? " I nod my head yes again. She takes a deep breath and continues. " Well here goes, no turning back now...." She takes another breath.

"The writing... on my arm.. It's.. Its um... It's from my soulmate. "

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