Chapter 1

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so this i a book I'm writing for school and it has a good storyline so imma use it for wattpad to.

hope you enjoy!!

Andreas point of view

I had been sitting at my bay window for hours, ignoring the ache in my chest, ignoring the lonely feeling. I could hear my mother down stairs cooking dinner, beef casserole, her Fae senses letting her smell it from two floors up. Her being a Fae meant she could smell and hear better than others and the small amount of elemental magic she could do was definitely one of the best things about being Fae. The worst was probably having a mate, they were your other half, the person who you cared the most for. Usually you find yours at the age of 15 or 16. Andrea was 19. She knew she had a mate she could feel it in her chest, the feeling leading her to him, in the direction of his presence. They lived far from each other though, the other side of the world from her guess but she couldn't leave her family to look for him, not yet anyway.

Her mum and younger brother would not be able to live without her for now, especially because of her father. Her mother's real mate had died at an early age so she had to settle with someone else, someone who didn't love her, at all. Her father had hurt her mother, even whilst she was pregnant with her, then her brother 10 years later, he had still hit her, thrown her, yelled at her for no reason. She couldn't leave her mother and brother here they would end up dead. He would have no mercy, I've seen him angry he would do it, strangle them to death, make them bleed to death. They would die without her there.

He had hurt me before, only a few hits before I fought back and eventually he just stuck to yelling at me. My room was like my safe haven away from him and the rest of the world. As you may have noticed I don't have many friends. I've been homeschooled my whole life my father doesn't want me having people I can tell about him abusing us all. I don't know how my brother handles it, but if I left to find my mate he would get more hurt then he already is, he has a new bruise every single day. I think about leaving basically everyday but then I think of what could happen to my family.

Mum called me down to dinner and I replied with my usual, "I'm not hungry." Because I don't want to be around my father, I'll go and get it later, when he's half asleep on the couch probably with a beer in his hand. My mum and my brother are usually in the kitchen still, eating the food they were told not to eat because they would, "become too fat.", we stayed down there together, talking about things most families should talk about, which we can't do with father around.

The South African sun felt warm on my pale skin and my pointed ears would stand out against the rest of the humans in the area. My dark hair stood out against my pale skin and my skinny, almost childlike features proved to everyone I was Fae. I wondered what my mate would look like, dark skinned? Light hair? Were they even Fae?

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