29: Start of The End

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"No." She refused him for nth time today. "Sweetie.." Jamon smirked and whipped her, "One no means five whip. Give. Up." He flicked the whip onto her naked back as she yelped in pain.

She has been held captive for a week. Night so cold because she was naked. Jamon stripped her naked with his cutters the night he brought her there, thus Jamon left wounds everywhere on her body. Luna's tears were now dry and the pain were making her body numb.

"Dont you have anything to say, my dear?"

She glared at him as she continued to cover her naked bloody body, "NONE." She growled at him. Jamon aww-ed and look at her with dull eyes, "I was expecting a no~ sneaky little girl."

One week. No one has even found her in one week. BangPD ("Da") has ordered everyone to search every sides and crooks of the building where the show has been held and that confirmed his suspicion: Jamon have taken action in this.

More importantly, their RUN BTS Episode was onhold because of Luna missing. Namjoon was almost on his knees to publisize Luna missing, for everyone to help in the search, everyone seeing their leader devastated and worried sick for the female member made them weaker.

No one spoke a word for hours. In some members, DAYS! Taehyung was trying hard not to cry in his room. Luna was his bestfriend.

What would you feel, if you lost your bestfriend, without a word and without warning, and you know...you know that she's in serious death and life situation, yet you could do nothing? Even though you know you could do something. But there's something on the way. How would you feel?

Those words were what he told his CEO. He slammed BangPD's desk, tears on his eyes, with gritted teeth, "IVE HAD IT! ITS A WEEK ALREADY! We havent found a single clue! THE POLICE'S EFFORTS ARE NOT ENOUGH! I WANT HER INFRONT OF ME, RIGHT THIS SECOND! A WEEK, BANGPDNIM! A WEEK!"

"Taehyung." He looked up and saw big dark circles underneath the CEO's eyes. "I know. Jamon have her. I know it. I just know it."

Taehyung remembers the guy. Jamon Seokjung. "But if we make this public and just say, HEY JAMON SEOKJUNG HAVE LUNA YUU, then the tables can turn immediately! Seokjung's family is powerful, we will risk our company in this matter!"

"TALK WITH THAT GODDAMN JAMON'S PARENTS !" Yoongi busted the door in annoyance.

"I cant. But Luna's father is already trying to. He've already hired men from different agencies. This Hide and Seek is not just in Korea, BTS. That Jamon have houses all around the world." He said.

"Fuck this life. Then tell the media, she's missing! And if anyone have seen her tell us-"


"I have an idea." The golden maknae said, appearing from outside of the room. "Let's make a quick, quick MV, no songs, just thriller sounds for background. Hidden message that is saying Luna is missing. Make them understand Luna's story in a matter of seconds."

"How could we do that?" The CEO's eyebrows furrowed. Jungkook wiped his tears and smiled, "Call all staffs, we have an emergency meeting." Jin said, with arms crossed.

There was the MV, released in two hours. Everyone did their best to finish it as soon as possible, BangPD did the hidden messages, and put a message in the end.

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#LY: Tacenda teaser

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