Future (20)

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Changing the subject slightly, Zelda swallowed hard as she didn't really want to dampen the mood of the situation. However, this was something she wished to address.

"Hey, Link" Zelda's tone of voice suddenly dropped as her mind began to wonder. She didn't really intend to bring this up now, but she didn't really know when would be a good time for this kind of thing.

"Hm?" He furrowed his brows in confusion, eyes showing mostly concern than anything else. Heed noticed the sudden change of tone and atmosphere.

"What happens next, after exams? After we leave" For some reason Zelda dropped her head, unable to look him in the eyes or even the face. Of course it was completely up to him, but anticipating the answer was almost like hell. After all, they only knew each other because he needed help with school. What after he didn't need help with school?

Link took a deep breath, thinking about his answer before replying. He had complete control over what to say here, he wanted to make sure that he said the right thing.

"There's still college, right? And University, too. After that, there's employment" Link replied, trying his hardest to reassure the other. "B-besides, we can do things outside of school that don't involve school" He quietly said, cheeks subconsciously pinker than normal. He wasn't sure exactly if that was what Zelda was talking about, but it was bound to give her some reassurance either way.

"O-oh okay. Yeah, you're right!" She sighed in relief, slightly closing her eyes as a Cheshire cat-like smile appeared on her face, stretching from ear to ear. Just hearing it from him that he wanted more out of this than just a tutor made her feel much more confident in her own feelings. Surely she wouldn't have felt so relieved unless... There was something more to it than she had originally imagined.

Zelda proceeded to get her lunch out of her backpack and place it on the table, Link mirroring her actions shortly after.

As the younger years were getting let into the cafeteria, Link choked on his drink before a sudden realisation hit him.

"Crap!" He exclaimed, almost tripping over himself as he stood up. "I've got an appointment now that I completely forgot about" He began walking away while still looking at Zelda, hoping she couldn't be too mad at him for bailing. She just shook him off and smiled as a way of saying 'its okay'.

Link's therapy sessions were definitely making more progress in the recent weeks, as Link as a person felt much more comfortable discussing his feelings. Maybe it was because he was talking to Zelda's mother, maybe it was because he was feeling better overall.

He hasn't really mentioned Zelda herself before when they'd talked about coping mechanisms, but it really seemed like talking to her was one, as strange as that may have sounded. After awhile of thinking about it, he had decided to tell his councillor about Zelda. He was curious as to how she'd react and if she'd tell Zelda things that he said. Well, it was either all or nothing.

"Hello Link. Take a seat, and we'll continue where we left off" Miss. Hyrule greeted him with, shining a comforting grin his way. It reminded him of Zelda. She definitely has her mother's smile.

"Hi miss" He politely replied, taking a seat while racking his brain on things to say.

"So basic protocol, how frequent have your episodes been happening since the last time we spoke?" She asked, pulling out her notebook and flicking through until she found the last page she wrote on.

"I've only had two, and even then they've been more of panic attacks and less like freezes" He honestly spoke, feeling extremely proud of himself as he tried not to let that show.

Zelda's mother looked partly shocked and partly smug, as if she was already aware of what Link was thinking. It was intimidating yet calming at the same time.

"T- there's someone that has been helping me recently" He continued, which was unusual as he normally just waited to be asked questions. "She's the only person who knows about my condition, and there's no doubt that she's a catalyst in my getting better" Honestly, Link let off his chest.

"A student in this school?" She asked, acting oblivious. Of course she knew, there was no way she was unaware. Besides, Link had never talked about having any friends before.

"Yes" Was all he replied, in fear that he'd spill too much about his feelings for his therapists daughter.

"Is there anything specific that this girl does that you think helps you?" When faced with the question, he wasn't really sure why Zelda was such I huge help.

"It's not that she does anything specific, it's that she's so kind and stuck up for me when no one else would. She isn't treating me like this especially, she's polite and kind to everyone. She doesn't assume depending on what she's heard unless she knows the person before hand. She's just... The closest to perfect anyone could ever get" Accidently, he started ranting, losing track of what he was actually asked.

"What you said about her not treating only you with the kindness she shows... I, myself, think that's false. I know her all too well, and this is just as special to her as it is to you" Her semi smug face had turned to a genuine smile as she was speaking from a personal level where she really believed she was right.

Okay, here comes le classic Zelle apology.

So I came out to my family last month which has left me in a weird situation with them. My father isn't too happy about it so there were things I needed to sort out in that retrospect. My life is starting to get in order though, and I'm blocking out people who are going to be rude about who I am.

Have a nice day :)

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