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When you woke your body was numb. When you looked around the room you noticed you were alone and Jungkook wasn't there anymore. You looked at the bathroom door that was in the room but no one was in there. So you looked at the door where Suga came from and thought about what could be out there and what the house looked like outside of this room but you were also scared.

You didn't care anymore you were starving and needed answers. So you got up from the comfortable bed and noticed you didn't have clothes on your body. You looked around the room and found the closet. It had nothing but man clothes so you had no choice. You took one of the t-shirts and grapes your underwater from the floor and put it all on you. Then you walked to the door and put your hand on the knob you hesitated a little and opened the door.

You were really surprised that is was so big is wasn't even a house it was a freakin mansion. You were walking the hallway until you found the stairs that headed downstairs and went downstairs. You finally spotted the kitchen and went to the refrigerator to see if you could find anything. You found a cheese sandwich and took it.

You were about to take a bite when you hear someone's voice. I could make you a better breakfast princess. Said Jin. You were scared to answer so you just looked at him in silence and put the sandwich on the plate and kept looking at him just because you didn't want him to get any closer. Jin looked at you and laughed. Are you going to help me make breakfast or just stair at me. He said still laughing at me. Why would I want to help you. You asked but you were nervous.

Yeah I do expect you to help me because I haven't done anything to you yet. He answered. Yes you are right but you might want to just like Suga and you must all be like that. You said annoyed. That's not true Y/N everyone except me and J-Hope are not like that we wouldn't do anything unless you want us to we could be friends. I promise you I am not like that and neither is J-Hope. He said with a cute smile which you warm inside. You trusted him and J-Hope more than the others now and you decided to help him.

After all the cooking and everything the boys started waking up and Jungkook was coming in the mansion from outside. The boys started coming down one by one after Jin yelled that the food was ready. They smiled wickedly as they saw you and what you were wearing the one who smiled the most was the that the clothes belonged to which was obviously Jungkook. You helped Jin put the food on the table and all the silverware. Jin told you to sit next to him and since you trusted him now you did as he said.

After breakfast you and Jin went to watch movies at the living room and everyone followed. In the middle of the movie you started getting sleepy and put your head on Jin's shoulder and he got tensed by your sudden movement. Everyone else looked at you and you looked at them. What! You ask as they keep staring at you. How can you be that close to him and not us? Suga asked obviously jealous. Because I look at Jin as my older brother and I know that I can always trust him. But I don't know about the rest of you except J-Hope he the one that always makes me happy when I am sad. You said making him hold his chest pretending to have a heart attack.

That was not nice you deserve a punishment. Suga said standing up from the couch. Because you already knew what it meant and got a hold of Jin's hand dug your head deeper into his shoulder for protection and because you felt safer. Suga reaches out for you and Jin stopped him and grabbed you tightly and you now felt really safe in his embrace almost like if he was your mother protecting you.

What do you think you are doing? Suga asked obviously annoyed. I am protecting my child that is what I am doing. Jin responded. What in the world are you talking about. Suga asked. Everyone else were just watching like if it was a movie. She is my daughter now and I won't let any of you touch her unless she wants to. Princess you can call me eomma or oppa as you like. If someone bothers tell me. I promise I won't let them hurt you. Jin said which made you smile in front of everyone. Yes eomma I understand. You said hugging your new eomma. You can move from Jungkook's room to mine if you would like I can get another bed so you can sleep comfortably. Jin said. Wait what no that is not happening and you are not her mother. Suga told Jin. He is for me. And I am moving to his room but I don't need another bed I can trust my eomma. You said confidently. Jin smiled and motioned you I follow him so he could show you to his room.

Suga POV

Oh my god what are we going to do now he won't let us touch her. The only way is to be nice to her and tell it would feel like when she did it with Jungkook. I think that is the only way to get her help us. I was so angry at Jin but it was also weird is like Jin had a connection with you because didn't usually defend the other girls like that it was new for the other boys.


Jin has a lot of space and it was beautifully decorated and it had a lot of pink. I sat on his bed really tired. He looked at me and smiled. You can sleep safety I promise I won't leave you alone. Jin said to you. You later down and fell asleep with Jin next to you.

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