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Russell Westbrook: Hey!

Kevin Durant: Russell! It's been a while. How have you been?

Russell Westbrook: I've been doing well. I came here to see you because I missed you.

Kevin Durant: Where did you go?

Russell Westbrook: I went out of town. I was at Long Beach to help the kids out.

Kevin Durant: Wow.

Russell Westbrook: You can go to Long Beach with me.

Kevin Durant: I wish.

Russell Westbrook: So how is your brother doing?

Kevin Durant: He's doing okay, just holding up after he lost the baby because it was stillborn.

Russell Westbrook: I'm sorry.

Kevin Durant: It's alright.

Steven Adams: Do you want anything?

Russell Westbrook: What do you have?

Steven Adams: Chocolate croissant, crepes and the food I made from New Zealand.

Russell Westbrook: I'm good, thanks Steve.

Steven Adams: You're welcome.

Kevin Durant: Since I'm done eating here, Do I have to pay you?

Steven Adams: No, you don't need to. Only the customers who come here and the others that are not working here need to. I decided to lower the price because I don't want to rip them off.

Kevin Durant: That's nice.

Steven Adams: My sister is going to take over the restaurant because I am going to New Zealand to take care of my brother.

Kevin Durant: What happened?

Steven Adams: My brother had a stomach virus, so I had to take care of him. I won't be back until February 23rd.

Kevin Durant: Okay.

Russell Westbrook: I hope your brother gets better soon.

Steven Adams: Thank you darling.

Russell Westbrook: Anytime.

Russell and Kevin Durant went to the apartment. Kevin Durant's apartment had a big fridge, TV and the features that looked like a complex from South Korea.

Russell had been eating Ramen while watching River Monsters (Damn! I missed watching the series because I was watching that since high school). Russell Westbrook sat on the couch as Kevin Durant cooked some fried chicken and rice.

Russell Westbrook: I didn't know you can cook.

Kevin Durant: How do you know? Mom came to my apartment and taught me how to cook.

Russell Westbrook: Where is your mom at?

Kevin Durant: Damn! You like my mom, don't you?

Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook random one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now