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What's the point of writing these?
Not like anybody new is seeing these...
I'm not getting any publicity,
maybe cause my poems are full of simplicity

And maybe that's boring to most people.
Or maybe my poems are too sad.
Or maybe they all just suck and they're just like a gallon of milk going bad.

I probably bet that they just suck,
some of them are pretty stupid.
And maybe I should do something else
instead of wasting my time doing these

And yet I keep writing this stuff no one will see.
Cause I'm always the one huddled in the corner or the one sitting under a tree.

And I guess it's my role cause I don't have a chance.
And I've never ever even seen a glance
of what's it like to be popular or noticed.

It might just be how I'm built.

Might just be how I was made.

Maybe I just turned out to be a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be cared for

I wish I could change
I don't want to be me
I want to be someone else
Want to be free

Like everyone else
Like the normal people
Who can talk and talk
Without feeling scared
Without feeling like they don't belong,
shouldn't be there

I just want to leave
Just want to die
I'm so sick of this place
I don't want any more pie

I've already had enough slices of life
So really, I might as well just take a knife
And die

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