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You tap your chin in thought. No one had moved and waited for you to make a move, or speak.

Where do you start on SOULs?

Humans didn't really think they were real till monsters showed up.

Maybe you should just show them...

You nodded to your thoughts and stood.

"Alright, I'm going to trigger a fight, don't freak out." That was their only warning as the room went black, an off clicking sound went off in the distance. They all stiffened, the table disappeared and they were forced to stand, the only form of light came from the glows in their chest. It grew as their SOULs surfaced then popped out, they floated in front of them.

The stepped back on instinct but the SOULs followed just a few inches away.

"wait... what are these sign things?" Red questioned, he was no longer focused on the heart shaped soul in front of him but the orange signs that glowed in front of all of them.





"Don't touch any of them. I'll explain." You stepped out of the darkness, they looked you over, you didn't have a soul out like they did, your hands were pocketed into your hoodie. You remember this feeling all to well, just with less humans.

"This is how things were done in the underground. This is how we fight, we pull out our enemies souls as a mean of triggering the fight, but as far as I can tell, only humans and me can see those signs. I chop it up to me being the Judge of the underground but..." You shrug "anyway, they are pretty standard. Our fights are turn based, the one who is thrown into a fight always have the first move, click Fight, you can attack me, Red click the Act button." You looked over at the humans, they were listening intently to your words, withholding their questions for now.

"click it?" His body was stiff at the words, he didn't want to hurt you by accident, why couldn't you give them a basic boring lecture on SOULs instead.

"Yes. Just tap it with your hand like it's a touch screen or something." You shrugged again.

He was hesitant but walked over to it, the others watched with curiosity and worry, his hand traced over the sign, it buzzed with electricity, he jumped at the feeling but pressed down. Another click sounds and text appears in a text box in front of you, even backwards you could read it, those numbers... they carry your sins against monsters.


LV: 18

HP: 7267

AT: 36

DF: 8


"what are these numbers?" Stretch questioned. They all looked over the text. You picked your words carefully.

"LV, HP, EXP are all acronyms for Level of Violence, Hit Points and Execution Points. AT and DF are pretty basic, like on a video game, Attack and Defense.

"If you hurt someone, you gain LV and EXP, your AT and DF go up as well, depending on how strong your opponent is depends on how much your stats level up, now monsters are born with 1 LV, humans 10. EXP is 0 till you hurt someone and AT and DF are 10 as well, monsters practice fight to earn their LV or they don't fight at all." You pause so they can absorb the information, Sans nods for you to continue.

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