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My name is Classy. This is just my personal opinions on couple's in the Sonic The Hedgehog fandom. Some couples opinions may turn into rants. So I apologise for that.

>Again, I'm not saying "oh! Don't like this Couple! It's gross!" No, I'm not saying that at all.

>We can all like whatever we like. So if you like any of the couples I mention that's cool.

>If you do not like any of the couple's I list and don't read my opinion and just bluntly rant on me for hating the couple. You're just wasting your time.

I hope you all enjoy reading this book. And seeing what I have to say. I know my opinions don't really matter. Trust me I know. But.. I see some books on here so.. I decided to make my own. So.. please enjoy.

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