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Rating: 0/10

× Hm, first of all... terrible couple in my honest opinion. Did you know 'Classic' Amy was 8 years old and Sonic was 15 years old. But apparently Amy aged herself up to 12 years old? Seriously. In my honest opinion no one can stay 15 forever. Sonic is most likely in his twenties and Amy is still considered a child.

× Another thing I have to say is and this is a retourical question so it means, you don't answer it. But, what interest do Sonic and Amy have? None. All she does is chase after him and threaten him. Yet people ship the two? It's fine if you do I have friends that like this couple and they're still my friends I'm not going to be a fucking asshole and say 'fuck off' no. That's just rude. I just don't like this couple and honestly have a major problem with it.

× But..back to what I was saying before getting distracted. Amy and Sonic do not share any interest what so ever. They are not a cute couple. I'd prefer Sonic and Amy to just be very good friends. Plus, I honestly think Amy should take relationship classes on what to do and what not to do. Because, she literally comes at him with a fucking hammer!?
Agh. Well... that's all really. Sorry if I came off as a dick in anyway I seriously have a major problem with this "couple".

Overall rating: 0

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