Book Review of How the Moon Regained Her Shape

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Janet Ruth Heller

Fiction Writer, Poet, Playwright, Educator, Memoir Writer, and Literary Critic

Date of Review: Jun.15.2014

Published Work: How the Moon Regained Her Shape

Reviewer: Jaclyn M. Bartz

Source:  Journey of an Aspiring Author

Family Rating: 5 out of 5 "Moons"

From the emotionally engaging storyline to the beautiful illustrations, "How the Moon Regained Her Shape" was a delightful tale to share with my little ones. Janet Ruth Heller works magic with her storytelling skills, and Ben Hodson does a superb job bringing those words to life.

"How the Moon Regained Her Shape" merges Native American folktales with an anti-bullying message. The story begins with the moon happily dancing along the sky until she gets in the sun's way. The sun gets angry and says some very mean things to her, causing her to feel unimportant. As a result, she retreats from the sky by shrinking. In order to bring her back, her friends try to help her realize how important she is. In addition to this wonderful story, the author includes a few pages dedicated to educating children about the moon, as well as a great tip sheet for dealing with bullies. Overall, this is a great book and we recommend adding this to your bookshelf.

 Link to Full Review:

About Janet

Janet Ruth Heller is a poet, literary critic, college professor, essayist, playwright, and fiction writer. I am a past president of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature, and I am currently president of the Michigan College English Association....

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