Saturday dinner

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"I don't get why they always have to come and eat dinner with us every Saturday!" My mom setting the table "because sweetie they are our friends, and just because you don't like there son Liam doesn't mean you can't be nice to them." I scoff "I am nice to them! Liam just gets on my nerves! he's so freaking soft, and obnoxious!" she sighs "honey I'm not going to argue about this anymore, you need to get over it. that was eight years ago when you were ten!" I just stand there with an aggravated face "Its not about how old we were! its about what he did!" she looks at me to continue my argument "he told all the girls in my grade that I had aids and that it was contagious!" She just giggled "honey he was thirteen, he was just trying to push your buttons so he could get your attention." I just roll my eyes "I saw that" she said to me "what's all the fuss about out here?" my father says entering the room "Isabelle is going on and on again about what Liam did to her when they were younger." my father just smirks "honey, Isabelle. you've got to let that go" my parents don't understand at all "but dad don't you understand!? he told every girl that I had aids and that it was contagious! I didn't have any friends because of him!" he just shook his head with a smile on his face. " Now you have the wrong kind of friends." a knock was at the door "Isabelle will you please go get the door?" I nodded "this isn't over" I said pointing to both of them, they just smiled and rolled their eyes. I got to the front door revealing Liam "oh hi izzy!" I just rolled my eyes "c'mon you're eighteen now! you've gotta get over it!" I just look at him "how do you know that, that's why I don't like you?" he just smiles "I know you better than you think I do. Plus I know that you think your some kind of badass now" I just scoff "sure you do, where is your mom and dad? Plus I know I am a BA" he steps forward inside the house "they'll be here in ten minutes, they're finishing some touches on dessert. And sure, ok" I rolled my eyes "mom, dad! Liam's here!" he raised an eyebrow "ok, we're in here Liam" they said from the kitchen, Liam walks past me and into the kitchen "wow you guys, it smells good in here!" he always saying that "why thank you Liam." my mom says to him "Isabelle why can't you be like Liam?" I lift my eyebrows "seriously? like that would ever happen!" my mom just looks at him and smiles "she's been like this all day" she nudges his arm and they both crack up "I don't know what's so funny, you both have to deal with all of this later, so I'd be careful" I said trying to be intimidating even though I know it doesn't work on them. saying that only made Liam laugh harder "oh just go die in a hole Liam!" I yelled walking away only to hear him laughing even harder "hi Bella!" Karen and Geoff (Liam's parents) say to me as I'm walking past the front door "hi Karen! how are you?!" I say as I give her a hug "I'm great! how's my future daughter in law?" She always says that because she knows it annoys me, but I don't mind because I love Karen. "I'm still not going to be your daughter in law but I'm great!" she shakes her head and says "that's good" I turn my attention to Geoff "what's up papa G?" I always called him that, because he's like my second dad so I called him papa G. He scoffs "I'm good, hows my bells?" I laugh "like I said I'm great!" he nods as I lead them to the kitchen "Karen!" my mom states and runs over to our friends and gives her a big hug "how are you?" Karen hands Geoff dessert and responds "I'm good, how are you?" my mom smiles and says "I'm good" I'm staring off into space when I feel someone standing right behind me "you know this will end faster if you just talk to me" Liam says into my ear, sending chills down my spine "I wouldn't talk to you if we were the last two people on earth" I said and walked away from him "c'mon Izzy!" I snap around "don't call me that!" He sighs "fine! Bella" he says a lot softer " I like Isabelle, or bells. If you want to so badly be my friend you could be a little less irritating you know" he smiles "I could try, but I don't know how I irritate you. I don't do anything to you" I hit his arm "you could start by not laughing at me when I get upset, oh and not being a softy at everything and stop acting like a puppy" he nods his head "ok, does this mean we can be nice to each other?" I sighed in frustration "yes!, we can be nice, but only behind these walls. I won't be nice to you outside these walls." he smiles "cool, I'm ok with that" I hate how acts like he wouldn't be hurt by something like that

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