Sunday funday

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"Bells?" I hear a whisper in my ear "bells? Hey" I feel a shake. I swear if he does it one more... "Bells?" I swear I'll kill him "what?!" I shoot at him making him jump "sorry I didn't know what to do. I just realized its nine am and I'm in your room" I stared at him blankly still with sleepy eyes "and your point is...?" I waved my hand around "how am I supposed to get out of your house with your parents home?" I shoot up "the door!" I wave my hand with attitude. He stares at me "sorry I asked" he responded with an attitude as well, I plopped back down into my pillow. I feel the bed shift, liam getting up and heading towards the door. "Goodbye bells" I don't move what I hear next is something I didn't want to hear. I get up and run to my door opening my door "Liam!" I yell to the bottom of my stairs, he's just laying there not moving. I run to the bottom of my stairs, picking his head up, making his face, face mine. "How did you fall?!" I ask frantically. "I...I....thought your parents...w..were home." I snicker "No you dummy! Remember it's Sunday! Our parents are out with each other!" He nods "how'd you fall?" He looks confused "I..I don't know." I help him up "what are you doing today?" I laugh "nothing you'd want to be a part of." He looks at me "what does that mean?" I smirk "doesn't matter." I walk up stairs, liam trailing behind. "Wait!" I stop at the top of the stairs, I huff "Liam look, you can't know, plus you wouldn't fit in where I'm going!" He steps back a bit "Why not? I'm in college too, except I'm a bit older." I rolled my eyes "that has nothing to do with it! Look, fine if you want to come fine! Don't say I didn't warn you!" He smiles cheekily "yes!" I head into my room, liam following me "look I need to change and.." I shrugs "ok, so change" I look at him "with you in here? Not a chance slick" I shove him outside my room "so you're only going to be here for one more day?" I hear liam ask from outside my room "yes" I sigh "I think you should stay here forever, I miss you too much everyday" I open my door to expose myself to him. He looks at me "woah, what is all of this?" He looks at my outfit "my clothes?" He shakes his head "this isn't what um used to seeing you wear" I roll my eyes "because I'm barely around, and when I am around I wear nicer clothes to please my parents" he nods and scratches the back of his neck "well let's go" I head down the stairs, I put my coat on and head to my car. I get in with liam getting into the passenger side. I drive off, I turn on my radio to today's hits radio.  "Do you like this music?" I ask him. I might as well talk to him since he's tagging along with me today "yeah I do actually! I listen to it all the time." I nod "that's cool, I do too" after about twenty minutes of music blaring through my car and singing in the car with liam we finally arrive to where I wanted to be. When we get out of the car I stop liam "please just act a bit um...well not you." I hope he doesn't take offense to this "he nods "I can do that" I smile "thank you" I grab his bicep and lead him to the apartment. By my surprise his arms were really big and felt super strong "Liam? Do you work out?" He chuckles "yeah, you like what your seeing?" I punch his arm "don't flatter yourself!" I knock on my friend Tessa's door, when she answers she's shocked to see that I brought someone. "Don't mention this" she nods and let's me in "guys bella is here! She's brought someone too!" I enter bringing liam with me "hey! Um this is liam, he's just an old friend." Liam leans down and whispers in my ear "friend huh?" I smirk and punch his arm. Liam sits down at the table beside harry "nice tattoos man" Liam comments to him "thanks, do you have any?" Harry asks "yeah I have a few." I turn my head "is that why you're always wearing long sleeves?" I ask him "well its one reason" Harry looks at me "well  let's see them then!" Liam lifts his black shirt sleeves above his elbows, revealing four arrows and a short little quote on the other. "I like them." Liam smiles "thank you." Harry nods at me "sit with him bella" Liam looks up at me "yeah cmon bells sit with me." Winking at me in the process. "Hey I'm going for a smoke, bella you want to come with?" I nod slightly "since when do you smoke?" Liam asks me "I don't really, it's just zayn and Tessa, every once in awhile they'll offer me for a little puff and I'll take it but that's it." I get off his lap and head out the door with zayn "Oh zayn? This is liam, liam this is zayn" Liam waves and I close the door

"so is that your boyfriend from back at home?" I shake my head "hell no! You're my only boyfriend!"  He raises his hands in surrender "sorry." He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. "So how long have you known him?" I look at zayn "why? Are you jealous?" He scoffs "hell no, I'm super jealous." I lay my head on his shoulder "bella I love you, you've known that since the day you agreed to go on a date with me." I sigh "what? You're dating him!" I turn around fast to see liam standing there with the door wide open "liam!" He comes closer "well?" I throw my arms in the air "fine! Yes! I am! Is that a problem?!" I yell at him "yes it is! After everything I've done for you and the things I've told you!" I roll my eyes and shrug "if you have a problem with it then leave!" He stares at me in shock "I'm...I'm going to go inside and give you two space" zayn starts to walk inside "no, you're not going anywhere" Liam says lowly, while holding onto zayn's arm "Liam stop." I say back "you know I've loved you since forever Isabelle taylor and yet you still choose to leave me out in the cold, in the distance. You'd rather watch me suffer in not being loved by you then being caught with me!" Zayn clears his throat uncomfortably "look, why do I need to be here?" Liam looks at him harshly "liam? Please? I know what you're thinking and I beg you please don't." He looks at me and smirks "this is for what you've done to my bells, you've messed her sweet innocent self and started her into partying, smoking, tattoos, and who knows what!" Liam connects his fist to zayn's jaw and I yell at him "Leave! Why are you acting like this!" He gets in my face "because you know I love you! You can't let me get too close because it'll ruin your reputation, well guess what?! I don't care what you do with your life anymore! Go...go ahead and party, drink, smoke, and get high. Just don't come back to me if something bad happens! I won't be there!" I feel my eyes start to burn "Liam wait!" I reach for his arm. He pulls it out of my grip and walks away. Out into the cold "where are you going to go?! I drove you here!" I yell out to him "anywhere but here!" I whine a bit "Liam please! I'm sorry!" He keeps walking "liam!"


After everything I've told her and as much as we've been through she still won't even think about me getting close.

I went to a bar that was near by after I left the apartment, I couldn't stay there knowing that she was dating someone that isn't right for her. He's ruined her, her friends have ruined her. I'll never see the sweet Isabelle ever again. When I sat down at the bar a pretty girl wearing her work uniform comes up to me. "What can I get you?" I look at her "one cherry vodka with a double shot please." She nods "coming right up" I look to the man beside me "rough night huh?" He asks "you have no idea." He nods "I've got time." My drink is placed in front of me and I start to tell the other man what happened, the mans name was louis. "I understand that things like that aren't easy" I nod "thanks, another round please?" I ask the girl she nods. After about ten rounds of drinks with louis we've gotten to know each other pretty well and we are drunk...really drunk. "Liam your phones ringing" I look at it to see bells icon "nah, I don't want to talk to her" he laughs "understandable" he puts his hand on my shoulder "cmon let's go" I wonder "how are we getting to your house?" He nods "I called a cab"

Catching feelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora