Masked Juliet

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I thought we were bounded by fate, but I guess I'm wrong. I have always looked at you the way you'll never understand because you never looked at me the same way.

You were basically everything I have hoped for, a knight who would protect me, prince charming who would cherish me and a Romeo who will love me.

I thought you were my knight, my prince and my romeo but you're not. You're hers.

I'm not your princess or your Juliet, I'm just Tinkerbell and she's your Wendy.

I'd always be in the sidelines, never will be able to break through the barrier of friend.

I've always been here for you, whenever you need me or even if you don't. I'm always beside you but you still look through me, beyond me, like I'm never really there.

She's all you see.

I know there are a lot of potential Juliets that are better than me, a lot more Juliets that could make you happier.

But please Romeo, I could be a Juliet too.

I may not be the best Juliet but I'll love you more than they ever will.

Just notice me.

You'll never regret.

Till then, I'll just be your Masked Juliet.

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