Stop reading for an answer, instead start making your own answers

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Bonsoir à tous ! (Good evening everyone!)

Bienvenue! (Welcome)

By now you already know how to introduce yourself to anyone or everyone. Just like in English, we greet the people that we meet/met. However, please refrain from memorizing this basic introduction but rather understand the idea, vocabulary and the rule of grammar in French or whatever language you are learning.

I know it's the easy way to start a conversation but I am going to tell right now that it doesn't help a lot. We tend to write everything that we have learned and we try to use it in every opportunities we have. We make conversations and fire away all those new French words that we have learned from greetings, to saying your name, your age and where you from. What am I saying?

Imagine this, I had a conversation with a new friend I met and as usually I went with the "BASIC INTRODUCTION" like telling her my name and why I am trying to learn her language. The conversation went well but when she asked me, in French, so your from Asia, where exactly in Asia? I don't know what to say. It's like, oh no, what is she talking about? So I asked.

Me: Pardon? Je suis désolé mais je ne comprend pas. (Sorry? I'm sorry but I do not understand.)

Friend: J'ai dit, d'où viens-tu? (I said, where are you from?)

Because I understood "d'où viens-tu?" (Where are you from) I answered her right away, "Je viens des Philippines." (I am from the Philippines.) If she had ask me that question right away, I would have been able to answer her right away, but because it was different. I was lost.

The irony is, we tend to know because we memorized it but the truth is, whenever we are asked of the same question in a different approach, we don't know anymore. What I am trying to say is this, "Where are you exactly in Asia and where are you from," has the same answer. It all goes to where I live.

So my point is, don't memorize the sentences. Memorize the vocabularies because you will never go wrong with it. Try to understand the idea of the sentence. Pick up vocabulary that you understood in the sentence, look at the grammar. If you do this, your effectively improving.

Here is a Youtube example of making sentences with common sense. Please take note as well that the sentences are either masculine or feminine. Singular or plural. Down the video are the subtitles. Have fun!

Bonjour a tous, bienvenue sur Easy French! (Hello everyone, welcome to Easy French)

Aujourd'hui, c'est votre première leçon d'un nouveau format d'Easy French très facile où nous vous montrons des choses et vous allez pouvoir découvrir de mots assez simples. Allons-y! (Today, is your first lesson of a new very easy Easy French format, where we show you things and where you'll discover some words  that are quite simple. Let's go)

Qu'est-ce que c'est? (what is it?)

C'est un arbe. (It's a tree)

Qu'est-ce que je vois? (what do you see?)

Je vois un arbe. (I see a tree.)

Qu'est-ce que c'est? (what is it?)

C'est une voiture. (It's a car)

Qu'est-ce que je vois? (what do you see?)

Je vois une voiture. (I see a car.)

Qu'est-ce que c'est? (what is it?)

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