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We then changed to the last segment. They had invited a Guinness World Record holder. He demonstrated his skills and making bubbles and, let me tell you, my jaw was almost on the floor. It was so astonishing that it made me want to watch this on loop on an everyday basis.

Once he finished we all stood up and clapped for him. I was sad because it had ended. I didn't know something that we saw as simple could turn out to be so beautiful.

"Teacher actually has 3 Guinness world records."   He Jiong explained.

Guigui and Yixing then tried to pick up bubbles but both of them popped. Yixing then tried to make a bubble but he did it wrong, so the teacher explained to us how it should be done. He blew dozens of little bubbles inside the big one before the big one popped and they were all set free. Yixing then picked one and brought it towards us.

Yixing then tried to do it himself and managed to blow a few making the teacher surprised. The rest of them tried it one by one, but failed miserably.

Then, to win an advantage for the next round, a representative mentor from each time had to maintain a big bubble up in the air for as long as they could. Dance team got 5.02 seconds, Rap team got 9.05 seconds and us, the vocal team, got 11.09.

The next competition was the "bubble relay". Three teachers had to select four team members to escort the bubble through three levels of obstacles. If the bubble popped, it had to be re-blown and we had to continue from the place it had popped. The team that finished first with the least number of bubbles blown, won.

First was the rap team. The ones selected were Xingjie, Justin, Xukun and Chengcheng plus Haitao. They used 8 bubbles.

Next was the dance team. Lu Dinghao, Zhang Yixuan, Zhou Yanchen and Ding Zeren went for the dance team with Yang Di although, in the end, he ended up trading places with Ziyi because they had used 14 bubbles. With the 15th one, Ziyi managed to pass it through the ring finally.

It then was our turn.

"Who wants to go?" Yixing asked us.

All of them but me said they wanted, so he ended up picking Zhou Rui, Luo Zheng, Bei Honglin and Ruibin. 

They all did it along with Wijia and they succeeded on the 9th attempt.

"I know I'm late, but was it just me or Lin was the only one that didn't want to try it?"  He Jiong asked.

"No, it's not that I didn't want to try it. It's just that I didn't really mind and they seemed to be a lot more eager to do it than me." I explained.

"Do you want to try it?" The teacher asked me.

"Okay...?" I said reluctantly and laughed.

I then went to the beginning of the circuit and he made the bubble. Carefully, I blew the bubble and managed to pass it through the first obstacle. Then, I passed the bubble above the second bar to give me time to pass underneath it and finally arrived to the ring. 

"Zhu Lin! Zhu Lin! Zhu Lin!" They all began chanting.

In the end, I managed to pass the bubble though the ring but with a special effect. I accidentally made a lot of tiny bubbles when I blew it so that it passed.

"Woah!" He Jiong said and they all clapped. "Why didn't you just stick to her from the begining?!" 

I laughed and bowed as a thank you before I went back with the rest of my team.

"Sorry, boys. I feel like I am taking a lot of screen time..." I apologized.

"That's nonse! Don't overthink it." Zhangjing reassured me placing his arm on my shoulder.

To end the show, we all sang <Wings of my words> while teacher Su blew some bubbles. I stood beside Justin while he was giving me a side hug on the circle where we would be surrounded by a bubble. It was magical to say the least.

After that, the show ended and it was time for us to leave. Shyly I approached Guigui.

"Sorry, Guigui." I said tapping her shoulder.

"Oh, Lin. Do you need anything?" She asked me with a smile.

"I was wondering if I maybe could take a picture with you." I asked her.

"Of course! Come here!" She said and took my phone. She quickly did a pose and took a picture with me. "Let's do another one with my phone!" She said and took her phone out. 

As she took the picture, Yixing's head suddenly appeared next to mine.

"Do you mind if I post this online? I actually quite like it." Guigui asked.

I looked at Yixing for approval as I didn't know if we could post anything on media without the program knowing. He simply nodded and Guigui thanked him.

"Good luck in the program, Lin! I will be cheering for you!" She said smiling and I bowed.

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