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"Give him back."

"I don't understand why I have to."

"Because he's mine, and you were just babysitting. I gave him to you, so now you have to give him back."

"But he likes me. Surely, he will be distressed if you take him away."

"He'll survive."

"I don't think you're being reasonable."

"Me? I'm the one being unreasonable? You've refused to give my dog back!"

"Because I care about his mental well-being. That certainly doesn't seem to be your concern."

Klaus sighed behind Caroline, folding his arms and leaning against the red Porsche behind him. Caroline was standing several feet before him on the porch, arguing with Elijah, her arms waving in frustration. Elijah was standing in the doorway to his home, clutching the white floof that Caroline called a dog to his chest, a disheartened look on his face. Caroline had given him her annoying little pet to look after while he whisked her off to France for a week, but now they were back and she wanted her dog. However, while they were gone, it seems his usually stoic brother had taken quite the liking to the mutt. So here they were, outside where Elijah and the most elusive doppelganger lived, Caroline screaming her lungs out and her cheeks reddening with anger.

As if he had conjured her presence with his thoughts alone, Katherine sauntered out of the house, sliding past Elijah in the doorway and striding to Klaus, mimicking his pose and crossing one long leg over the other.

"I wish Elijah would just give him back," she sighed, tipping her head toward their quarreling partners. 

"Well, I wish he'd keep him. I've been looking for a subtle way to get rid of that thing."

"Ah. Explains why you're not engaging." She commented, booted heel digging into the gravel.

"Why do you hold such ire for the dog?" Klaus questioned, turning to Katherine in curiosity.

"Isn't it obvious?" She retorted, nose scrunching in a distaste he shared "He rips all of my designer shoes and all Elijah does is coo at him." 

At that, Klaus chuckled. Finally, someone hated the pet as much as he did. "You?"

"He's taken quite a shine to the feel of my ripped canvas between his teeth," he remarked, lips quirking when Caroline took a threatening step forward and Elijah took a defensive one back.

"How long do you think they'll be out here?"

"Until one of them concedes, I suppose."

"And you think that's likely?"

"Not even a little bit."

"Follow me. I have a bottle of scotch calling my name in the basement. I could use a drink in this heat." She offered, kicking off to walk away before stopping when she realised Klaus wasn't moving. Rather, he eyed her suspiciously, and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not poisoned, I assure you. I'll even take the first sip," she added, smirking. Shrugging, Klaus followed Katherine into the house, both of them ignoring the colourful jabs and quips being hurled between their paramours.

Eventually, Caroline and Elijah agreed to split custody of Sam. He would stay with Caroline during the week and Elijah on weekends. And eventually, Klaus and Katherine developed their own tradition. On Fridays, when Caroline would stop by to drop him off, they'd have a drink together, and each was always trying to top the other with the older or finer bottle of scotch, trading stories over the latest items Sam had destroyed in their households, forming somewhat of a friendship of sorts. If you asked, they'd vehemently deny it, but every Friday, they'd sit in the balcony adjoining Elijah's study, and finish off a bottle of scotch together, bonding over the mutual distaste for the dog that brought them together in the first place.

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