Girl's Trip

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Bonnie Bennett sighed in content, pushing her sunglasses up her nose before shifting in her lawn chair to lie on her side. Then, she saw him on the seat next to hers, sporting his own pair of sunglasses, except his were pushed into his short, brown hair and looked about five times more expensive than hers. That infuriated her even more. He didn't seem to notice her heated glare, busying himself with pretending to read Katherine's Vogue magazine, upside down. Frowning, Bonnie stretched out a caramel-toned leg to kick him in the shin.

"What the hell are you doing here, Kol?"

"I heard there was a girl's trip and decided I'd drop by and surprise you lot."

"You weren't invited,"

"Yes, that was quite rude on your part but I'll forgive it if you help me with something." Kol offered, brilliant smile in place, turning to rifle through Katherine's beach bag and pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. "I just can't seem to reach my back. Be a darling and help me out?" His exaggerated damsel-in-distress facial expression almost made her burst out laughing but she narrowed her emerald eyes behind her shades and took the bottle from him, if only so she could have an excuse to run her hands down his smooth, muscular back. He was a douche, but damn it, he was a hot douche. Those were the worst.

"You look absolutely ravishing in that swimsuit, by the way," he remarked casually, swinging across his chair so he sat with his back facing her and thank heavens that he did because the witch behind him blushed profusely. She was wearing a red bikini with tiny strings tied high up on her hips, enunciating her figure. Bonnie's charm bracelet jingled noisily when she shook the bottle, pouring a generous amount onto her open palm and spreading it across Kol's shoulder blades.

The Original leaned back subconsciously, chasing the soft touch of her hands. She started with his shoulders blades but dipped lower eventually, kneading the muscles along his spine and eliciting little groans of appreciation from him.

Katherine watched the scene near the pool from the beach house, a look of curiosity flirting across her features. Bonnie hated Kol. Oh well, Caroline once hated Klaus but the blonde was singing a very different tune now, she could still see her friend facetiming the hybrid in her periphery. Nevertheless, the Bulgarian beauty was not one to get in the way of whatever was going on outside, so she turned on her flip-flop clad heel and headed for the hotel sauna instead. Maybe she'd even call Elijah later on. Unlike her young friends, she didn't feel the need to constantly be in contact with her significant other. A  call here and there, a text or two perhaps to confirm that they had safely landed but other than that, she refrained from communicating with Elijah when she was away. It seemed strange and clingy to her and this way, she was proving to that little part of herself that abhorred the idea of attachments that she could survive without him. 

Rebekah was at the hotel bar, perched on a high stool and sipping a margarita. She looked unattainable even then, hair compiled into a stylishly messy up-do, Prada bag hanging from the back of her chair and donning an elegant white sundress whose hem just barely grazed the top of her thigh. Matt was probably at work right now at the Grill, she mentally calculated the time difference while staring idly at the picture of the quarterback with his eyes crossed as her lock screen.

"Ugh, you too?" Katherine quipped, pulling herself onto the bar stool beside Rebekah's. She had been on her way to the spa but had spotted a flash of blonde by the bar and decided to get herself some company.

"What is it now, Petrova?" Rebekah retorted, not even looking up at her companion.

"You're fussing all over your boyfriend. I mean, we're on vacation. It's a girl's trip. Can we please do something other than obsess over what they're doing?" Katherine implored, raising a hand to beckon the bartender. Rebekah had been about to give the brunette a sarcastic reply but thought about it and conceded. They were here to have fun. It was their holiday. She could take a break from texting Matt to have fun. Besides, she figured, now was as good a time as any to get to know the girl her stoic brother seemed infatuated with.

"What did you have in mind?"

Turns out what Katherine had in mind was to drag them all, including Kol, shopping on the streets of Jamaica. Katherine seemed to buy anything with a Jamaican flag on it, beaded bracelets, bandannas, lassos, you name it, while Bonnie bought souvenirs like Blue Mountain coffee and oil paintings that caught her eye.  At night, they hit a swanky club, Privilege, Caroline thought it was called, and danced until their feet hurt. Rebekah suggested they try white rum, a popular local drink that was usually mixed into cocktails. A terrible idea, because it's potency affected even the vampires, leaving them staggering back to their private villa in the hotel drunk, Kol harmonizing a tune Caroline was singing with his arm thrown around the Bennett witch who in her inebriated state, didn't object. Katherine was beside Rebekah, the both of them in a fit of giggles over something the rest couldn't be bothered to understand. All in all, they were a merry little bunch, if only a bit wasted.

The morning after was brutal. All of them put on sunglasses and stayed indoors, nursing throbbing headaches. Currently, they were all sprawled out in the living room, in different states of disarray. Caroline was on the floor, lying flat with her legs crossed and an ice bag resting on her forehead, matting her blonde hair. Rebekah chose the biggest couch for herself, only Katherine deemed that unfair and so they shared it, the latter sat straight with her feet on the recliner, while the blonde lay across the couch, her feet on Katherine's lap and her arms crossed over her head, fast asleep. Kol took residence on a plush rocking chair only meant to seat one with Bonnie curled up against him "for comfort" she had defended, when she climbed into his seat with him and silenced his smug look with a glare.

The rest of the 'girl's trip' went off without a hitch. Bonnie and Kol grew significantly closer, Rebekah and Katherine formed a friendship of sorts, and Caroline took lots of aesthetic pictures that she flooded her Instagram with. Everyone was satisfied when they boarded the Mikaelson's private jet to head home and as they flew over the Caribbean, Caroline took one last picture, mentally making a note to add it to the secret scrapbook she kept of the people around her, her family.

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