Chapter 6

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The days following the ball there was a shift in the household. People came to Danford Hall to call on the family, and when Kathryn made her calls, she invited Emmy to go with her, not Julia. Emmy found most of the visits to be mind dulling and repetitive. She heard the same talk from each of the women they called on. The only calls Emmy found interesting were the ones Kathryn did for the church, and it was in these calls Kathryn and Emmy would visit the poor or the invalid. Here Emmy felt useful, and the conversation was not mindlessly repetitive. But nothing replaced the pleasure Emmy gained from her quiet times in the woods.

Emmy had tried to be more ladylike, but the woods still called to her so she would slip out before the house rose and then be back at breakfast with every hair in the right place and dressed without a spot of dirt. She thought no one was the wiser but little did she know one morning Caleb Jacobs woke up from the restless night and watched Emmy creep out into the woods.

"Hello Miss Emmy," Caleb called up to Emmy who was sitting on a high branch of the tree she always hid in.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I saw you sneak out yesterday and today I followed you."

"Oh, Mr. Jacobs please don't tell the household."

"Why not?" He questioned her.

"I would be mortified if they found out."


"Yes, so you must not tell them."

"Why don't you come down so we can go for a walk or at least not yell and perhaps wake the house."

"All right I'll come down."

When Emmy was down from the tree, Caleb asked. "Now what were you doing in that tree? and why can't I tell anyone?"

"I am sorry Mr. Jacobs I guess I still have childish ways in me."

"You need not apologize to me. I think that is endearing."

"Thank you, Mr. Jacobs, but I don't think your sister or my sister would agree."

"Why do you say that?"

"Both of them want me to grow up or at least act more grown up. I think they would see it as foolish to climb trees or wade in creeks and get all muddy."

"Well, then Miss. Emmy it will be our little secret."

"Thank you."

"Now Miss Emmy, we should probably get back before anyone notices. I would hate to ruin your reputation by having you seen alone with a man."

"But we have walked alone before."

"Now you have been presented, and you have to be wary as you'll have countless men seeking after your hand."

"You are kind Mr. Jacobs, but I doubt it."

"You had a line of men wanting to dance with you."

"Yes but that was one night, I can hardly believe any of them will turn into a suitor."


Emmy dared not tell him they were penniless so thought of something quick. "Mother, would not allow me to court anyone until Laurel is married or at least engaged."

"That is very traditional.," he said in an inquiring tone.

"My mother is very traditional. We had all hoped she would be engaged soon, but we have heard nothing from Mr. Findlay since he left," she didn't mean to say the name, but it slipped."

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