Chapter 14 & 15

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The days passed slowly. Laurel spent most of her days in bed, but sometimes she could make it downstairs to the front parlor. No one rushed her to feel better. Fiona and Emmy knew it would take a while for her heart and body to feel better, so they let her do as much or as little as she wanted. The weeks passed they had hardly seen anyone other than Kathryn and Aunt Iris. There was a gray cloud hung over the house, and no one wanted to disturb it. Once Kathryn mentioned to Emmy that Ethan wrote to Nicholas, to say that he had arrived in England safely. She then never brought up his name again. Brandon was brought up but only in the vaguest sense to report on his health, though Kathryn worried over his recent seclusion she said he was doing fine. Fiona never pressed for more information, but she hoped Emmy would make one of these times. Fiona and Kathryn never questioned Emmy further on her and Brandon's relationship; it felt odd to both that neither Brandon or Emmy mentioned the other when alone. In Kathryn and Fiona's mind, they had them down the aisle as soon as Emmy was of age. However, now their relationship felt altered, and no one understood it or dared talk about.

They would have to face each other sooner or later though; Julia and Caleb's wedding was a week away and as both Brandon and Emmy were a part of the wedding party. They were invited to all the pre-celebrations, and while they stared at each other from across the room, they did not say a word to each other.

"This is ridiculous," Kathryn confided in Fiona. "They must talk."

"I know, but Emmy is quite-" Fiona could not think of the right word to say. It wasn't stubborn or hurt, it was uncertain, and Emmy did not want to risk hurting Brandon any more than she already had.

"I know they are both so timid with each other, but I can tell they love each other." Fiona gave Kathryn a puzzling look at this notion. "I know because neither one of them want to hurt the other and when you love someone you do not want to hurt them.

"We must find a way to have them be together," Kathryn said.

" I fear Mrs. Danford, I promised myself a long time to intrude on my daughter's life."

"But this is for Emmy's best."

"Yes I understand that, but I can have no part in your scheme. However I cannot stop you from interfering," Fiona gave Kathryn a wink.

With that, Kathryn began to plot out what was to happen next.

It was the night before the wedding it was to be a grand night for all involved. Laurel had said she felt up to going to the family dinner, but shortly before the meal, she felt weak, so mother took her home. Emmy tried to come with them but mother insisted she stay and Kathryn promised to see Emmy home safely. Kathryn thought if Emmy stayed behind she could get Brandon and Emmy alone, if Kathryn had known what was going to happen, she would have insisted on Emmy going home right that minute. Caleb's spirits had grown sour over the week. He raised his voice quicker to Julia, no longer keeping up an affectionate front. Julia excused it to be nerves, but the be told he was getting quite irritable with it all. With that information it made sense that Caleb was having a few too many drinks, everyone noticed though no one dared to call out the groom the night before the wedding. That is until the women and men separated. Caleb tapped his glass to signal another refill to one of the footmen.

"Take it easy there old man, you don't want to be hung over on your wedding day. You wouldn't want to start off your marriage sick," Nicholas thought he was joking with his brother-in-law.

"Oh shut it. I remember you having some gulps the night before you married Kathryn," the tone was bright, Caleb was not joking.

"This is a time for celebration, not destruction," Brandon tried to laugh off Caleb's comment.

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