↠Chapter 13↞

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After I talked to Momo for a while and made her feel a little better, I drop her off home and I drive towards Jungkook place. I arrive and knock on the door. I see Taeyeon open door and she welcomes me with a hug.

"Y/N! Im so glad to see you!"

I go inside and go to the office room and I wave at Jungkook


"Hello, how are you?"

"Im good and you?"

"Im also good too. Let's get to work since we are almost done and it's due tomorrow"

I'm a little sad because I won't be able to see Jungkook anymore. I mean we talk a little more at school but whenever we are at his place, I feel like he is more expressive about himself. I've gotten to know him more better and I just don't want to end it.

I pluck up the courage and tell him something I've been wanting to tell him but I didn't know when I would ask him.

"Um even though this project is ending, I would...still like to maybe hang out with you. I mean since i talk to you more and I think we've become friends but I mean that's my opinion and you could have a totally-"

"We should."

I just stay silent

"Wait what?"

"Well I also think of you as a friend and I would like to hang out with you"

I just smile but in the inside I'm screaming of joy. He thinks of me as a friend. Soon we start to get back to work and I just enjoy the rest of our time together.

"We did it!" I high five him and we kept grabbing our hands. I think he noticed and we both let go. He just smiles a little bit and I think it's cute. He reminds me of a bunny. He walks me out to the door.

"It was fun being partners with you for this project"

"Yeah...I enjoyed it so much" I look a little bit down and start to fidget with my fingers.

"Well drive home safely Y/N."

"Thanks, see you tomorrow." I was about to get in my car when I see Taeyeon running towards me

"Hey Y/N, I wanted to know if you are free this Saturday."

"Yeah I am"

"I was wanting to invite you to Jungkook piano recital." She hands me an invitation and I look at it.

"Thanks a lot"

"Yeah no problem, I can tell you're a good friend to him so I wanted to invite you. I think it would be great for him if you came."

"Ok, should I come early?"

"Yes, lots of traffic at that time."

"Ok then, Well I have to go but thanks for inviting me!"

"See you Saturday!"

I get in my car and start to scream a little, I'm so happy I'm a friend to him. I'm glad I've been getting to know him. Now I know for sure,

I truly love Jungkook.

(Lol, a lot more drama will happen in the next chapter and Im going to write it right now since I have nothing to do in school today. Please comment and vote, it would be very appreciated. Love you guys!)

Two Hearts One Love || Jungkook, Y/N, Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now