Telling him your pregnant

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You started of your day by running to the toilet and throwing your guts up, you have been feeling nauseous lately and you've missed your period l. You head back to the bedroom to find Harry lying in bed sleeping, soft snores escaping his mouth. you decided to go to the store to buy a pregnancy test, you showered and got ready. You left harry a note telling him you went out to the shop, once you arrived at the shop you were looking for the best pregnancy test to get to be 100% sure. you purchased a clear blue test and headed back home, you entered the house to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. "Oh hey babe" Harry said, "hi love" you said kissing his cheek. "What did you get?" He asked, "just some groceries and stuff" you replied. "Okay babe" he said. I ran upstairs and went into the bathroom, time to try the test. you done what you had to do and waited 10 minutes. What if harry doesn't want the baby? what if he leaves me? all these thoughts ran through your head and you became even more nervous. ten minutes had passed and you picked up the test with you shaky hands, you glanced at the test and it read two lines which meant it was positive.. "babe?" Harry shouted, "yeah?" You asked your voice slightly cracking. "Are you okay love?" He asked sounding worried, "um.. y-yeah um I'll be out in just a minute" you said.  "Babe please come out" he said, "okay" you said.

you opened the door to be revealed to a very worried harry. "Are you okay?" He asked, "um harry I- I have.. something I need to tell you" you said tears welling up your eyes making harry engulf you into a hug. "Okay tell me babe" he said, making you want to burst out crying. "Please don't be mad or leav"- you were cut off mid sentence by harry, "don't ever think I would leave you. Okay?" "Okay, well I-I'm pregnant" you said a sob escaping your lips, "I'm sorry" you cried, Harry hugged you so tight. "Hey, hey, listen to me, don't be sorry okay? This is not your fault, your going to be a great mom and I'm going to be a great father. I'll be there for you every step of the way okay? sshh, sshh it's okay baby, I can't wait to see our baby" he said making you look up at him, "thank you harry, I love you so much you don't understand" you said hugging him tightly, "I love you too beautiful" he said making you blush. "Now do you want to watch movies and cuddle?" Harry asked, "of course" you said pecking his pretty pink lips.
I'm so lucky to have him, he's gonna be a great father, you thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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