A Benifcial Avalanche

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Introduction. May 29, 2017. Verkhoyansk, Russia

"Don't see the point in Shield spending all this money on such a pointless mission"

The agent that spoke had a gravelly voice. When he signed up to Shield, he didn't expect the work to be like this at all.

"I suppose so..but we're the newcomers, of course they're gonna give us the shit missions. We're getting paid at least so stop your complaining".

The second agent was growing tired of his partner's constant string of complaints. Obviously, he didn't want to be there either but if shield tell you to go out and dig through ice all day, you dig through that ice.

"I mean, what the hell are we even looking for?" The first agent let out a sigh of annoyance as he slammed his pickaxe into the ice. "They haven't even told us what we're supposed to be trying to find, how do they expect is to find it?"

"Will you just shut up and work! You're giving me a damn headache from all of this complaining. They said we'd know when we've found it"

"Oh of course..because that totally makes sence. God, why can't they be straight for-" the first agent stopped mid sentence, peering up at the ice that had now began to Crack. "Uh, Mike..I think we should move" the agent dropped his pickaxe, slowly stepping back from the decending ice before grabbing Mike by the arm and breaking into a sprint.

"What the hell did you do?!" Mike shouted. He took a brief look back at the wall of ice crashing down behind them before turning back to Phil and running.

"I must of hit it too hard with the pick, I didn't mean for the entire fucking wall to come down!"

The two men managed to get far enough from the wall of ice before it all came crashing down all the way. The mini avalanche came to a stop. The icy terrain returned to its former quiet, tranquil state.

"Next time, I'm in charge of the pickaxe" Mike said jokingly, catching his breath.

The two men looked over at the destroyed wall of ice, only to see something they definitely didn't expect.

"Holy shit"

"Uh...you think this is what shield ment when they said 'you'll know when you find it'?" Phil smirked as the two of them looked up at what seemed to be an aircraft of sorts. They both approached it with caution, obviously expecting the worst at first.

"Why does it look so...old?" Phil pondered. This wasn't the type of stuff Shield was interested in usually. Mike didn't know what he ment at first. It wasn't until on closer inspection, did he recognise the aircraft as an old Supermarine Spitfire.

"So are Sheild starting some kinda antique collection now or what? I don't see why they've sent us all the way out here to look for some rusty old piece of junk from what, world war two?"

At this point, Mike had just learnt to block out Phil's constant complaining. This turned out to be a good thing as, whilst Phil chatted away, Mike had noticed something very peculiar.

"Phil...I don't think it's the Spitfire Shield are so interested in"

"What are you on about? There's nothing else her-" But again, Phil's sentence was cut short in surprise. Following Mike's pointed finger, his eyes now landed upon the cockpit of the Spitfire.

Sitting there, frozen and well preserved, was a woman who seemed to be in her early 20's. Regardless of the ice, Phil could make out her dark brown eyes and hair. He assumed Sheild's intrest lay with the fact that she wore a uniform with a very recognisable logo.


"So, what do you think?" Mike spoke up again, running his hand across the ice in complete fascination.

"I think...we're getting one hell of a raise after this"

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