Adeline Smiths

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Steve edged closer to the ice, disbelief evident on every feature of his face. His hand reached out and pressed against the ice and a small smile reached his lips. He had so many questions, so much confusion, yet in this moment all he could feel was a mix of both happiness and sadness.
However almost instantaneously, he was pulled away from his thoughts by the director.

"So you do know her?" He spoke up, beaming from ear to ear. Of course, he wasn't happy for Steve, only the fact that his team had made this possibly big discovery. "Could you perhaps give us some information on her, Captain?" He signaled for one of the Shield workers to approach with a clipboard. "We would appreciate the data, there's nothing on her in our systems yet so-"

"Would you pipe it for a second and let him think?" Natasha snapped, noticing not only the confusion on Steve's face, but a hint of sadness too. He had sat down in one of the chairs near by, only a single word spoken by him in the last few minutes.

She hesitantly approached him and sat down next to him, a soft expression on her face which was quite a different side to the assassin Shield had come to know.

"Who was she, Steve?" She spoke softly

Steve looked up somewhat quickly, almost as if he'd been snapped out of a daydream. His downcast eyes shifted from the floor back up to Natasha as he let out a sigh.

"She was our best friend..mine and Bucky's. One of the bravest people I ever met"

Brooklyn, 1943

Brooklyn was never the nicest area to grow up in. Sure you had the cinemas and Coney Island nearby, but the residents were not all that pleasant at all. Not only are you constantly faced with not so nice faces, there was also the frightful war that had captured the country's every bit of attention and filled every corner of it with fear and despair.

Movies and television was a sence of escape for a lot of Americans during this time. The Movies depicted a happier time for America and people went as often as they could.

This included Steve Rogers.

Unlike grieving widows and fearful families, Steve went to the cinema to take his mind off the fact that he felt he was doing nothing to aid his country in the fight against Hitler. Although a small young man, Steve made up in heart what he lacked in physicality. He hated being reminded of the lack of help he was offering the country, yet even the cinema couldn't help him escape the inevitable guilt he felt.

' War continues to ravage Europe. But help is on the way. Every able bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part. Collecting scrap metal. Nice work, Timmy! '

"Who cares! Play the movie already" an aggressive sounding man was shouting at the screen as if it would follow his every command.

"Hey, wanna show some respect" Steve replied, defending the inanimate film that was playing.

' Meanwhile, over seas... ..our brave boys are showing the axis powers... ..that the price of freedom is never to high. '

"Let's go, get on with it. Hey, just start the cartoon!" The thick Brooklyn accent spoke up once more as he flipped the bird towards the screen.

"Hey, you wanna shut up?" Steve retorted. Though his speach was quiet and riddled with shyness, unfortunately, it was not quiet enough.

The largely built man sitting a few rows in front stood up, revealing his hight and muscles to the now regretful Steve. "Oh you're getting it now little man" He began to walk towards Steve, but he'd already jumped out of his seat and exited the cinema.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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