An Introduction

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I don't have a specific moment where I can say 'that's the first time I met him', or 'that's the first time he existed in my brain'. Rather, a series of memories, in no order, of everything being the beginning. The beginning of what, I didn't know then, and now I know too much. What you're about to read is the most underwhelming love story. The most underwhelming love story that won't let me go.

I am writing this down for many reasons. Maybe this is yet another way I think I can move on. Okay, I've tried everything, but maybe THIS, THIS IS THE ONE THING, and then I'll be free. To be fair, I felt free a couple of times. The problem is you keep coming back. I hate when you come back, almost as much as I hate when you leave. Actually, more. I hate it more when you comeback. Please, stop coming back.  

Everything in this piece is true and has happened. In writing my story, I hope to find others out there who can relate.

This is a story about a heartbroken girl.   

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