Chapter 10

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Grayson woke up early the next morning. Well, they all had to be up early for the 12pm game, but he woke up because he had to talk to Luke. Luke had texted him last night asking him how Emerson was, but he didn't want to break his current state of joy, so he decided to wait until morning. Luke answered on the third ring,

"Jesus how early is it?"

"Morning sunshine, you said you wanted to talk, and I have to leave soon to get ready for the game, so we're talking now"

"Ugh, alright, how was Emerson" Luke asked in a sarcastic tone

"Well, I kissed her, and I've actually never had a more meaningful kiss in my life"

"About damn time. To be honest, I thought you were going to wimp out. Brennan texted me, telling me you wouldn't even look at her during Dinner"

"I just didn't want to be rejected. I also don't really want to accept the fact that I like her. It's a good thing, she seems okay with just being friends, who make out"

"G, stop messing around, and acting like me, you don't have a F-boy heart. You obviously like this girl, why not give her a shot. She isn't Bailey. And even I know, no girl likes to be friends with a guy she likes."

"Well what should I do, I can't have a girlfriend right now"

"You actually have no reason not to. Why don't you take her on a date tonight in the big city. If it doesn't work out, then oh well, you tried. You don't really have a ton to lose. You already put your friendship on the line when you kissed her..."

"Fine Luke, I guess I'll try, I just don't want to get hurt. Anyways I have to go"

"G, she won't be the reason you get hurt. Good luck today with Emerson, oh and at the game."


    Emerson is sporting her Grayson jersey again in MSG. She is standing at the edge of the tunnel leading to the locker rooms, waiting for the boys to go back in one last time. When they start to run in, she yells Goodluck to them all, and at the very end of the group of boys is Grayson. He grabs her arm again pulling her with him. Once all of his teammates and the crowd are out of sight, Grayson forcefully kisses Emerson.

Her hands go directly to his hair, while his land on her hips. She breaks the kiss, "Gray, you're going to get in trouble".

Grayson laughs, "yeah maybe you're right, but there is a reason I wanted to talk to you, I just got distracted. I I think we should go on a date tonight. Usually, we go home right after games, but we are staying another night so that the coaches can go watch one of our future players play in a tournament. I really want to go, so what do you say?"

Emerson smiles, "Yes, of course, I think it will be fun, but go now, and Goodluck!" He kisses her forehead and heads to the locker room leaving Emerson grinning.


    The game was definitely not a great one. You could tell the boys were tired. As usual, the opposing team came out playing their best game of the season. When a team plays Duke, they always come out strong, trying to beat the top dog.

Unfortunately, this time they won. The boys played sloppily, and coach was pissed. He wanted to send them home, but decided against it. They needed the time to have fun, rest,and be kids. Maybe, this would help them get back on track.

Most of the team were going to do touristy things in the city. Grayson decided that he wanted to take Emerson to Bryant park instead to ice skate. He wanted to be distracted about the horrible game he had just played. When Emerson caught wind of this, she was mortified. She couldn't ice skate for her life. Hopefully Grayson could help keep her balanced.

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