Chapter 7

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Key: "talking", "SHOUTING", 'thoughts', *parseltongue*, /Items being used\, (A/N in the text itself), and ×sarcasm×

Last time on the True side:

Hiro(Harry) went to get robes meet the Malfoys, and decided to follow them like a lost puppy. When he was to get his wand the handsome shopkeeper warned them of charms, spells, potions, etcetera placed upon Hiro.

Hiro went up to Malfoy Sr. and slapped him, of course he did it strongly yet gently. Hiro then said "That is no way to treat Goblins.(Now turning towards a Goblin) Hello Master Goblin, I wish to speak with Gobledenook, if you may ask him to speak with Hirohishi privately" Hiro then stood there waiting as if he had not slapped Lord Malfoy.

Malfoy Sr. then walked up to Hiro angrily, but Draco ran in between the two before his father could reach them. "Father, I know Hiro slapped you, bu-but you should know he has had a rough life, father." The man looked pissed, but quickly placed his Malfoy mask on and walked up to Hiro waiting patiently along with him.

A few minutes passed until Gobledenook appeared. "Why, hello Hiro, I apologise in advance. I am not your account manager, so you would need to speak with him/her/them/zir. I simply know the name, which is Poisonfang." Gobledenook greeted then disapperated. In a bit another Goblin appeared.

"I finally get to meet with you Lord Gaunt. Also it appears that you have not had your inheritance test or the Magical abilities test. By the way as you know my name is Poisonfang and as you do not know my pronouns are ze and zir. Follow me."

They then followed zir to the private meeting room. Once inside Hiro instantly said "First we will get the tests out of the way, second you will explain my heritage. Also please explain how I am Lord Gaunt, I mean surely my father or mother-" Hiro got interrupted.

"Actually it is fathers"the Goblin said.

"Alright then I continue. Surely my fathers are still alive." Hiro continued.

"Well they are, but one is in hiding whilst the other thought it best if you claimed Lordships. Although first you requested we do the tests, so we shall do it." The Goblin said.

"Well then let us get to it." Hiro replied.

Poisonfang then summoned a piece of parchment. Hiro understanding as to do willed blood to appear without even cutting. Madame Magic being ever so kind as she  granted his wishes and a vial of Hiros blood appeared upon the parchment. The Malfoys stared in shock.

"How many drops do I place upon the parchment?" Hiro asked.

"Um.. I believe it is 5-8 drops, of course it all depends on Madame Magic." Poisonfang responded.

Hiro then focused his magic on finding out how many drops to use.

His Magic spoke back to him and whispered seven. "Welp, I guess seven really is the Magical number." Hiro said.

He then willed his magic to pour seven drops onto the parchment. Once done the entire parchment was red. Words the colour of the original parchment started to appear. Once done Hiro read it.

Name(First name chosen by himself): Hirohishi Morfin Gaunt
Creature Inhirintances: Dark elf, Shadow Pheonix, Shadow Dragon, Hellhound, Basalisk, Vampire, Werewolf, and Shadow Demon (All but the basalisk gained from the Submissive father)
Skills Inhirited: Skills listed in other forms, Shadow travel, Creature speech, Shadow blast, ancient Elf skills, Basalisk shite, etcetera (I am to lazy to write this, sorry)
Other shite: Occlumency, Legilimency, Mind control, etcetera (Laziness)
Everything Blocked By A.P.W.B.D

So I got multiple skills, creatures, and other shite that Dumb-ass-doorknob blocked, correct?" Hiro asked

"Does it not say that on the parchment?" Poisonfang asked.

"It does, and I meant it as a retorical question." Hiro replied.

"Well then off to the next task. If you can just add some blood here, please?" Poisonfang asked. As soon as the words left zir lips blood appeared on the parchment.

Just like the Inheritance parchment words the colour of the original parchment appeared. Hiro then read off the parchment.

Name: Hirohishi Morfin Gaunt
Blocks(All placed by Dumbass-doorknob)
- Inheritance block placed by one Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
- Creature speak block placed by same dumb Wizard
- Legilimency block by Dumb-ass-doorknob
- Mind control block by Dumb-ass-doorknob
- Occlymancy block placed by Dumb-ass-doorknob
- Tracker placed by Dumb-ass-doorknob (Shattered)
-Parcelmouth blocked by Dumb-ass-doorknob (Breakthrough 25%)
- Creature Skills blocked by Dumb-ass-doorknob
- Mothers love ritual placed by adopted mother
Spells/Charms(All placed by Dumbass-doorknob)
- Thickheadedness charm
- Confundus
- Obliviate
- Submissive
- Laziness
Potions placed by Dumbass-doorknob
-Loyalty potion
- Hatred potion keyed into anyone even slightly related to 'dark'
- Liquid Imperious
- Love potion keyed into Ginny Weasley also keyed to activate at age 15
- Trust potion keyed into the 'light'
- liquid luck keyed to activate in life threatening situations
- Forced Horcrux placed by Dumbass-doorknob keyed into Voldemort AKA Tom Riddle

Once finished Hiro focused all his Magical power into breaking these and other things placed upon him. He then left the Horcrux there so he can resurrect his cousin. Once done he fainted due to an enormous amount of energy used.

In the lobby John appeared with his father. He then asked a Goblin if he was able to speak with Hirohishi.

A Goblin soon lead him to a private conference room, where Hiro was lying out cold on the floor. John then ran up to Hiro and picked him up, while the Malfoys stared in shock.
John then took him to a bed that his father summoned.

He then laid him down on the bed, once Hiro was laid on the bed John could easily see how peaceful Hiro was in his sleep. John then left a letter on the bed and left with his father.

A/N Alright as you can see the music video is Russian Roulette by Red Velvet. If you do not like Korean singers do not watch it. I simply put it cause I read while listening to Red Velvet and/or Black Pink. Enjoy

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