Oh Look, a Werewolf

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This is the first story I ever started and never finished XD yes....It's a werewolf story....BUT it is origional (I can already hear you clicking the home button......click....) I wrote it on blog before i found WP soooooooo

Here I go!

P.s. This was written a while ago and revised a while ago so it won't be perfect and Im to lazy to edit now XD


I don't have a good name for it so I have this crud instead :D



"A werewolf, a vampire and human are running through the woods." I mutter to myself, stepping over a root. Seriously. It was like a horrible Twilight nightmare. I half expected to walk into a field and see a bunch of glittering supermodels and hot bodybuilders growling at each other with their shirts off.  Hmm. That actually wouldn't be to bad, as long as none of them tried to eat me. I tripped and almost face planted on a jagger bush, snapping me out of my hormone compelled daydream and back into reality.  I wandered a little farther, swatting the misquotes that bit me every ten seconds and pulling my feet out of the mud with discusting slurp sounds. 

    I had walked in to a swamp. Wonderful.  I was wandering through the woods slopping through who-knows-what filled water up to my knees and playing Miss. blood bank for a bunch of deprived insects. I had no food left, hardly any water and I no idea were I was at. Life is just peachy.

It's only been three days, I told myself, And the first two were just fine. Don't be such a wimp, grow up. I smacked my neck and heard a loud squishas I pulverized another bug. This one was a mosquito the size of my hand. I had to force myself not to shudder. It's just a bug. I thought. I need to find a lace to sleep and get out of this damn swamp. 

     I stoped to look around me and noticed that the trees were denser over to my left. I hoped that meant that there was less water there so I headed tward them. A little farther and I was on dry land.  About fifteen minutes later i was standing in front of a small shack. It had one window and the door was laying on the floor, but the roof didn't look like it would leak so I should be safe if it decides to rain.  I circled around and saw that a crick ran along one side.  It seemed deep and relatively clear so i filled up my empty water bottles and put my bags in the cabin. I grabbed a change of clothes and striped down. After washing me, I washed my clothes and hung them on a branch to dry out.  Back inside the shack, I made a pillow out of my bags and lay down. My stomach started rumbling. My body was sore from the constant walking and sleeping on the ground. I relaxed into the floorboards letting my eyes drift shut.

   Compared to he place I was staying this is like a vacation, I thought.  The house was just fine but the people were sycotic. Mr. and Mrs Hope. Ironic since they were craziest couple I'd ever stayed with, and that's saying something. In my five years on my journey through the system i had stayed with druggies(my parents), prostitutes, military and religious fanatics and the 'we only want you fo your money' types.  These ones were on a whole knew level.  The first few days were OK, but after they were sure the social workers weren't  coming back the liqueur came into play. The woman would go off into drunken rages and the man would just sit and watch me when I was in his view , downimg glass after glass of Bacardi Gold. Every once and a while they would get in arguments and that is the reason I left. They were arguing about me. The kicker is that I'd only been there for about two weeks.  The woman rounded on me. 

    "'M right, arn' I." she slurred at me. I looked over at her. I was just going back to my room, ignoring them the whole time."Your tryin' ta take'im away, ya lil' tramp." she grabbed my arm, her nails piercing the skin of my forearm. Her other had pulled back like she was going to slap me and I pulled my arm back and got ready to slug her, and hopefully knocking her out. The man intervened, coming up behind me and pulling me out of her grip. I now had welts and little moon shaped marks in my arm. They slowly started to bleed. She looked back and forth between us with a seriously pissed look on her face. "Your gonna get it, ya hear me, you lil slut. Jus' you wait." she grabbed the bottle of whatever she was drinking and headed down to her bedroom slamming the door. I pulled away from the man, but His arm snaked around my waste, pulling me up against him. He smelled like cheese pizza, alcohol, and cheap colone. I wanted to hurl. 

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