Introduction and Whatnot

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"A werewolf, a vampire and a human are running through a forest"

   What? Already heard this one?

   I know what your doing. I've been there.  You're wondering "Why should I read this? How is this book any differnent from the others?" The answer is simple. It contains moi. This isn't your run-of-the-mill girl meets Mystical creature, Girl and mystical creature fall in love, disaster seperateds mystical creature and girl, Problem solved and Mystical creature and girl reunite to live happily ever after type of book. This is real.  But go ahead. Put it down, I don't care.  You don't need to know these things anyway, and not to be rude, but this is more excitement than you would ever be able to handle. Don't belive me? Go ahead and give it a try. Lets see if you get past the first three chapters.  

Trust me. My story will blow your mind.

~Cora Nefeli Muri

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