Chapter one- The runaway

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It was dark out and my dad had beaten me for the last time. I was in my room crying and that's when I had the idea to runaway. So I packed my clothes and my Firefly uniform and snuck out the window of my two story house. I climbed down the tree that sat next to my house and walked through forest behind my neighborhood. I don't know where I was going all I know is that when I reached the end of the forest I found a old house that looked like it was falling apart. So instead of knocking on the door I grabbed sticks and set them up like a camp fire and lit it using my hands to set fire to the wood, and that's when I heard it a voice coming from the house.
"Hey guys there is a fire outside!" I could tell the voice was a male voice
Then a gust of wind put my fire out and I look up to see four boys standing in front of me.
"I'm in no mood to deal with these guys"I thought to myself
I flamed upped trying to get them away from me
"Well looks like the girl is a mutant herself."said a very large boy
"So why do we care anyways?" A boy with white hair said very fast
"Hey let's be nice to the lady." Said a very smelly boy"Heck she might need somewhere to stay."
"Hey Toad's right. So what's your name?" A boy with shoulder length hair said
"Why do you care?" I asked
"Yeah why do we care?" The white haired boy doesn't seemed impressed with my flamed form as he said that, so I put out my fire and grew my dragonfly wings. Now that really did get his attention.
"The names Firefly."I said"what about you boys?"
"Well I'm Pietro, the big blubber ball is Blob, this is Lance, and as said earlier this is Toad." The white haired boy said
I could only guess that the crouching one was Toad and the dark haired boy was Lance. The bigger one was Blob I could tell.
"So have anywhere to stay?"asked Toad
"No why?"I asked hiding my wings in my back
"Can she stay with us Lance?" Toad asked
"I don't see why not." Lance said "So how about it, will you stay with us?"
"Only on one condition." I said
"What is it princess?"Pietro said making me blush
"Keep Pietro away from me." I said noticing that he was to close for comfort
"Ok guys go back to sleep!"yelled Lance"Come on I'll show you where you'll be staying."
I followed Lance into the house and up a flight I stairs. We stopped at a room on the far end of the hallway. Lance opened the door and I went inside. The room was cleaner than the living room. Lance left closing the door behind him. I put my stuff down and walked over to the bed and noticed a picture of a blue lady with red hair and yellow eyes sat on the nightstand. I picked up the picture and took a good look at the lady. She had the same face shape as me and for some reason I felt like I knew her.

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