A New Friend and Home for Christmas

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Mickie did well in her first Quidditch match, she won against Slytherin, the Slytherin Seeker took his defeat well from the First Year "man, I see what Wood meant" Marcus Flint walked in to congratulate the Gryffindor team "thanks Marcus" Oliver shook the other Captain's hand "where's Mickie? I want to thank her for giving Hanson a good match" Mickie walked in and yabbing on her phone "good on ya, Kiddo. Wish we'd been there to see it" Mike was beaming on FaceTime "thanks Dad, where 'bouts are you guys?" "Phoenix, Arizona. Lemmie tell ya, Ches' not happy" Mickie grew concerned "why's Uncle Ches not happy?" She asked her Dad.

"Micks, he ran into that guy who raped him when he was about your age" Mike said, Mickie's face drained of colour "how's he doing?" "I'm alright, Mick" Chester could be heard in the background "yeah, Brad an' Joe managed to calm him outta another one of his anxiety attacks" Mike sighed as he ran a hand through his semi-short hair "Dad, I'm sure something'll get sorted. Did he ever tell anyone aside from you guys?" Mike shook his head "Micks, he never told a soul, not until he told us" Mickie's soft brown eyes filled with tears for her uncle Chester.

"Mick, I'll be fine. Kiddo, I've got your Dad an' the guys" Chester reassured her "okay, I gotta go. Love you" she hung up and began crying "hey, what's wrong?" Katie Bell asked "I-I just c-can't believe what my Uncle had to go through when he was my age..." Mickie choked "honey, the past's in the past..." Angelina Johnson said "Uncle Ches ran into the guy that did that to him an' he began havin' a panic attack when my Uncle Joe an' Uncle Brad got to him" she sobbed.

The Gryffindor team knew how close Mickie and her family were, Linkin Park was basically all Chester had and that's why he doted so much on Mickie as if she was his own child "honey, I'm sure there's something he'll do. He did say he's got your dad and uncles" Alicia Spinnet said to her "thanks" she grinned as Marcus helped calm the young girl down and enjoyed being around her. He found Mickie to be a sweet girl with a badass and sassy personality, he also found out from Fred and George Weasley she was the daughter of a member of his favourite non-magical band "wait, your Dad's Mike Shinoda?" Mickie nodded "yup" "and your uncles are the rest of Linkin Park?" Mickie nodded "they spoil me rotten, but I don't go on like a brat" she said.

Mickie ended up meeting the daughter of another famous rocker as well, she was running late for History when she collided into a girl with black hair and bright green eyes, she had a punk-rock style to her Ravenclaw uniform "oh, sorry" she said in a broad accent that Mickie vaguely heard in another rocker "it's okay. I'm Mickie" she said "Kaylie, Kaylie-Joe Armstrong" Armstrong?! "As in Billie-Joe's daughter?" Kaylie-Joe nodded "yep, lemmie guess. Mike Shinoda's kid? Linkin Park's surrogate niece?" Mickie nodded "yeah" she grinned at her.

"Who knew two different rockers daughters would meet in the same school" Kaylie-Joe laughed "hey, what lesson you got?" Mickie asked, glancing at her watch "History, you?" Kaylie-Joe asked "same" both girls ran to History and were lucky Binns hadn't noticed they were late, Kaylie-Joe sat with Mickie and her friends as they had quick introductions and got on with their work "did you find anything on Flamel, Mickie?" Harry asked as Kaylie-Joe got caught up with their mini adventure "no, I was gonna ask Uncle Joe when I got home. Except I'm grounded for the holidays after Halloween" Mickie sighed "the Troll incident?" Mickie nodded.

"Yeah, Dad wasn't happy that a troll was in school. In fact, he sent a howler to Dumbledore about 'health and safety for minors' with a few curses and a hex or two thrown in from Uncle Tre and Uncle Mike" Mickie stifled a laugh "how'd they do that? That'll be good pranking material" she smirked "I'll ask..." Kaylie-Joe had the same smirk "wait, Kaylie-Joe, is your Dad Green Day's frontman?" Hermione asked "the one and only Billie Joe Armstrong" Kaylie-Joe nodded "although, I had it hard after my mom died in a car accident" she said sadly "what was she like?" Mickie asked "you'd've loved her, Micks. Dad was broken when she died" Kaylie-Joe said as class finished for the day and they went for dinner in the hall. Kaylie-Joe sat with her friends.

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