Chapter Eleven

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Finishing my bowl of soup I wrap the blanket around my shoulders and used the wall to make my way out of the cell. Feeling a little light headed I moved slow not noticing Daryl sitting up in the catwalk above watching me, I stop a moment to get my bearing again. A blonde girl walked up to me smiling. "Do you need help?" I returned her smile, nodding. "Yeah I'm a little light headed." She just smiled wrapping her arm around my waist to help steady me. "Sure, I'm Beth, what's your name?" "I'm Jenni," Sound of my voice the boys looked up excited and ran to me nearly knocking us down, I wrap my arms around them tightly. "My boys, thank the moon your safe!"

Both Nicholas and Nikoli held me just as tight. "Jenni we were scared for you." I smiled into their hair, kissing their foreheads. "Told you I'd come back to you boys, I love you." I looked up at Hershel who was giving me a friendly stern look. "What are you doing up Jenni?" I gave him a smile. "Had to see the boys with my own eyes, thank you for caring for me and feeding us." Rick gave me a nod. "Like I explain to your husband..." I burst into laughter cutting him off at his assumption Mike was my husband. "Sorry, Mike's not my husband, friend yes but not husband." I looked up at him in all seriousness. "If you let us stay I promise to work hard, you need supplies I'm your girl, just let me heal first."

Rick nodded at me then walked away, Hershel with his friendly smile rub the boys hair. "Alright boys it's time mom laid back down." I frown sadly at the mistake. "I'm not their mother, she died saving them." Everyone around frown, the short hair Carol and Lori had tears in their eyes, I smiled down at them as they hugged me. "But they are mine of heart." Patting them to go back over to Mike, Hershel escorted me back to my bunk, he checked my wound was pleased to see it hadn't open, which it wouldn't just slowly healing already.

Next few days went by great Lori, Carol, Maggie, and Beth gushed over the boys and they ate it up too. Hershel finally felt up to taking a walk outside and deemed some fresh air good for me too. It was just Hershel, Lori, Carl, Beth, the boys and myself. Making our way outside I smiled up at the sky, never realizing I'd miss it so much. The boys walked beside Carl as Beth stuck close to her dad and Lori pregnant belly sticking out stuck close to me as we walked out in the inner yard, Hershel looked around.

"You cleared all those bodies out? It's starting to look like a place we could really live in." I smiled at his remark as Lori smiled mothering him a bit, then me. "Hey watch your step, both of you. Last thing we need is you two falling." Daryl, Glenn, Mike and Rick were making their way back into the prison fence with firewood, Glenn excited to seeing Hershel get around better yelled up at us. "ALRIGHT HERSHEL!" Getting shush by Daryl cause of the dead outside the fence. Smiling to myself for hearing it all, I told the boys they could play while we walked a bit slowly. My wound pulled a bit but there was no pain anymore, Beth started praising her dad. "You're doing great, Daddy." Carl smiling decided to lighten the mood by joking. "Ready to race, Hershel?" I giggled as Hershel answered. "Give me another day, I'll take you on." Making us both giggle, Maggie stop helping Carol and T-Dog rearrange the cars to watch us glad to see her dad out too.

We stop looking out at the fenced in yard smiling at the possibility of finally being safe for once in a really long time, never realizing the danger looming behind us. Hearing something Carl turn to look behind us and shouted. "Walkers! Look out!" Walkers and a lot of them was starting to swarm us, my heart froze in panic trying to find the boys. Chaos broke out as Maggie, Carol, and T-Dog ran toward us with their guns to try to help Lori and Carl shoot the dead. While Hershel, Beth, and Nikoli run to a close fenced off door. Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Mike were running as fast as they could to get to us to help, Rick yelling at us to get out of there. I couldn't find Nicholas, my heart was beating out of my chest in fear. T-Dog gets closer to us noticing the gate the dead came from. "That gate is open."

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