Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What's this big news you've got for Rick?" Andrea eyed us before shaking her head. "I talked Phillip into sitting down with Rick to make a deal, so we can all live peacefully." Daryl scoff at her claim. "Yeah sure and I'm Santa Claus." Andrea glared at Daryl, he just watched her. "Rick's on a run, he'll be back before long you can wait for him in the chow area, come on." We lead Andrea inside leaving Merle to guard, she quickly went up to Carol hugging her. I sat down beside two very bed tussled boys giving each a kiss on the head. "Morning sleepy heads, where's Mike at?" Nicholas shrug at me while talking around a mouth full of food. "He went to help Beth with something." I smiled up at Daryl who shook his head with a snort. "Hope he knows what's he's getting into." Daryl looked at Andrea one last time before grunting softly. "I've got to get back outside to help watch, keep an eye on her." I nodded to him eyeing Andrea too. "Of course, be careful out there alright." Daryl smirked at me. "Always am."

After the boys finished eating they went back to the cell block to find Maggie to play with them. Carol eventually left to leaving Andrea and myself alone, we had bit of a stare off before she looked away mumbling under her breath. "He's probably just using her for sex." Glaring I growled at her. "Got a problem with me!" We eyed each other before she snorted in diversion at me. "So you and the redneck huh, what makes you so special. How'd you snag that one, we started to think he was gay." I glared, growling softly at her again at her snide insult of Daryl, I stood slowly leaning forward on my fist trying to rein in my urge to kill her. "Do not say anything out of the way about Daryl, unless you wish to lose your tongue! And yes Daryl and I are together, not for sex either! Got a problem with that I'll be happy to set you straight." She looked at me shocked at the danger rolling off me in waves, shaking her head she backed down. I smirked at her backing down, my wolf howling in triumph in my head, I returned to my breakfast.

Couple bites into my food Rick, Michonne, Carl came in with Daryl following behind. "What are you doing here!?" Rick jumped right into questioning Andrea, she cringed a little before shrugging. "I talked to Phillip, he's agreed to sit down with you not neutral ground to make a deal with you so we don't have to go to war with each other, I REALLY think you should do it Rick." Rick paced the room then walked over to us to gauge our opinion. "What do you think?" I scoff giving Andrea a dirty look. "They're not trustworthy it could be a trap." Michonne shrug giving Andrea a solemn look before returning her gaze to Rick. "I agree with Jenni, it could be a trap but could also be worth seeing where he's coming. Plan a strategy around what he has planned." Daryl and I nodded to what she said, it was a smart move. Rick looked at us as he thought it over then turned to Andrea who was watching us with a hopeful look on her face. "Alright, tell him we'll meet at the poultry barn tomorrow at noon." She smiled brightly at him. "Good, this is good. I'll make sure he'll be there, I know you won't come alone so bring three with you and I'll make sure he only brings three as well." She quickly left to go tell the Governor the plans for the talk tomorrow.  

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