I love you

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(Yoongi's POV)

"Baby I'm sorry I can't do this we might need a break up"you said you kept on repeating that line till Jimin walked in

"hey baby I'm sorry how I've been treating you I hope you can forgive me"

those words surprised you "Yea I do just close your eyes" he closed his eyes and you pecked him on the lips "ok so I was just thinking about going to do our thing together" you said in excitement

he replied "well what if I don't want to?" You smiled and laughed "well I'll just make you!" You pined him to the bed and tugged at his shirt "I know you want to"
he laughed "you shouldn't show a lion a pice of meat then replace it with a human he will tear it up like I will tear you up" he smirked you sit on his lap and start to brush his neck "this will be my canvas after you tear me up" he un buckles your pants and you un buckle his
You pull down his underwear and take him all in then start bobbing you head

Secrets of the dark(yoongmin smut/fluff? Idk)Where stories live. Discover now