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"She's not going anywhere near this" Neal shouted as I sat in the back of peter's office hugging the FBI jacket around my body, I was still wearing the same dress. I could still see his face when he punched me... I held my cup of coffee to support me. "He punched her until she bled, she isn't going anywhere near these people-"

"We have to put her back, she can't blow her cover. If she disappeared it would look suspicious" Peter tried to reason calmly, and Neal ran his hand through his hair.

"suspicious?!" He yelled, "he assaulted her" I had never seen Neal this angry before, he never argued with Peter. Not that I knew of anyway. "Come on Lil." he said calming down and lifting my arm up as I stood up with him.

"Neal, I can do this case" I protested as he tried to make me leave Peter's office.

"You don't know what you're saying"

"I'm fine, I was shaken up but I'm fine now. I don't want to ruin this case." I retaliated, Neal looked at me and then back at Peter. "I'm going to sit down, Neal just talk to Peter and hear things out" I said as I escaped Caffrey's grip and walked out of Peter's office. Walking downstairs to see Jake, Jones and Diana sat in the 'break out room' and some of the other NYPD officers that had helped.

"You okay?" Jake asked as I sat down next to him on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me, hugging me tightly. I needed a best friend now. Jones and Diana looked at me with a worried expression I guess I looked worse than I felt.

"I'm fine, I think Caffrey is more shaken up about the situation than I am." I said honestly as Jones and Diana looked at each other with a knowing look, and I turned to them "What?"

"Well Caffrey wasn't quite himself in the van" Diana started, and I looked at her with a puzzled look before she continued "normally Caffrey always complains in the van and doesn't do anything else, but every single moment he was listening closely and every time one of those guys got close to saying anything Caffrey didn't like he was clenching his first and jaw, he's protective over you."

"When that guy hit you, caffrey lost the plot and bolted out of the van." Jones said. "Scared all of us when that guy hit you." 

I smiled to myself weakly, he really did care about me, I looked at Jake and saw he felt a pang of guilt. I guess it was for judging Caffrey too quickly. But I understood that.

"I just wish he'd let me continue with the case, he's in there with Peter now as they decide what's better for me, like I can't answer for myself."

"Maybe it's for the best lil" Jake started as I looked at him with confusion, better that I had no choice? "You got hurt out there." He admitted.

"I got hurt back at home but that never stopped me." I stated.

"But when you got hurt it didn't bring up old memories." He whispered as so no one else heard, not even Neal knew how awful the guys I dated used to be only Jake knew. I guess that's why he was so furious, and why I trust him so much. My best friend. I just nodded and leaned into him as he gave me a hug and I closed my eyes. I needed a rest.


"Lily?" I heard Caffrey say, I opened my eyes slowly, so see I was still leaning on Jake's shoulder and Caffrey was holding my knee. He smiled when I woke up and I had a smile back. I looked at the time on the clock and gasped 3am no wonder I was so tired. "I've talked to peter about continuing with the case, we've agreed to continue but that's because you want to and any sign of trouble you tell us and we'll drop you out of it okay? I don't want you to get hurt." He said seriously and I nodded my head before I yawned and Caffrey laughed.

"Thanks for taking care of her Jake." Caffrey said, smiling at Jake as Jake smiled back.

"No worries man, I've been taking care of her for more than I can imagine." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you mean I've been taking care of you" I retaliated and Jake laughed deeply before giving me one last hug as I stood up to join Caffrey. I needed our bed.


I stirred and woke to find myself in Caffrey's bed, there was sunlight creeping through the blinds, I turned to find Caffrey in bed with me, I smiled as I looked at him. He was so beautiful, he had his glasses on, he just had boxers on and was reading the newspaper. He didn't notice that I was awake so I snuggled up to him playfully, he looked at me and smiled. 

"Morning gorgeous" Caffrey said sweetly and kissed my forehead. I could still see his face when he barged into the room I'd never seen him that angry. "I can't believe what that guy did to you." He said almost as if he could read my thoughts, setting down his newspaper and taking off his glasses as he took my face into his hands and kissed my cheek. "I should've been there with you."

"You couldn't have." I stated "You would've blown your cover."

"Cover doesn't matter when you get hurt." He lowered his tone. "You're my everything" 

He really was my Caffrey. 

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