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"Mom! Do you really have to date him? Really!! This is the worst birthday ever, I can't believe you...ughhh"
Okay, you are probably thinking, "What's going on?" So, well let me tell you, but we need to start from the beginning.

First off, I'm Hannah. I love volleyball and my little sister, Emma. It's been Emma,my mother,Angel, and me. It's been the three of us since my dad left us when i was 3. He didn't like the fact that my mom was going to have Emma, and He never loved us, he only loved himself. Our mom has gone up and down for us and I would do anything for her. She is my mom and i have to do something for her.
My mom got a new job 3 years ago and before then our life was going downhill. We were homeless, had no money, had nothing. Until my mom met this guy... I don't know who, but all I know is he has money and he is helping my family.

So for my school, ugh don't get me started! There's this guy, His name is Zac and he bullies people so much, even me,I have a best friend and her name is Jenna. She is the only person that likes me and wants to be friends. She helps me through the hardest times and she knows my story too.

Tomorrow it's going to be my birthday and my mom is celebrating my birthday with the present she got me. To be honest, I'm really excited. I'm going to be 16, and when you think about it, I'm going to be old and I finally don't have to share a room with my sister. I do love her, but I need a room to myself.

~Hey guys, I hope you like the book I did try my best...somewhat lol but if you guys want more comment down below if you don't still vote on it lol. But I will post later and I hope you like it Byeeeeeeee
(347 Words)

I hate him,but I love himWhere stories live. Discover now