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"It appears that you're not capable of following directions," a voice said from behind you.

Your heart nearly stopped in your chest as you spun around to come face-to-face with a very displeased looking Jumin. He reached over and closed the door to the mysterious sex room and a deep blush rose to your face upon realizing that the man standing before you, your new boss, was the owner of that room and all of its contents.

"I-I'm so sorry, Mr. Han! I was so tired that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I swear I thought it was the bathroom and I know I should've closed the door sooner but I was so confused and fascinated by it and I-"

"Assistant [name], please slow down," he said, trying to make sense of the words you were spouting at lightning speed. "Did you say you were fascinated by it?"

Your breath hitched in your chest. Fascination, along with curiosity, was indeed what you felt, but you never meant to share that aloud with him. Jumin was your boss, after all; it was far too inappropriate to be sharing that kind of emotions with him. Despite this, you couldn't help but want to know more about it all.

"I... Yes," you sighed, not even bothering to come up with an excuse for the slip of tongue. "If you don't mind explaining, sir, what is that bedroom? It seems far too... different to be an ordinary bedroom."

He turned on his heel and began walking back to the living room and you followed in suit behind him. He motioned for you to take a seat on the couch as he disappeared into another room for something unbeknownst to you. Several awkward and admittedly frightening moments passed by before he finally reappeared holding a paper and pen.

"If you would like to know more, I must ask you to sign this contract," he said.

"What's it for...?" you asked hesitantly.

"This contract bounds anything and everything you learn about the company or myself to secrecy. This includes the activities taken place in my home."

Taking the contract and pen from his hand, you quickly skimmed over the fine print to make sure it truly was what he said. Finding nothing that could possibly screw you over at a later date, you signed the paper and handed it back to him.

Pleased with your decision, he placed the paper on the table and sat down on the chair positioned across from you and crossed his legs.

"Tell me, have you ever heard of BDSM?"

You slowly nodded. "I've heard of it, but I've never actually experienced it."

"Many haven't. I am considered the dominant figure and I bring willing submissive girls back to that special room that you discovered and I pleasure them there whether it be with teasing or pain."


"Pain is a common thing used for pleasure during sex. Whipping, choking, biting, scratching; many find sexual pleasure in those actions," he explained calmly, not phased at all by your look of shock.

"Who could possibly find pleasure in that?"

"You'd be surprised, [name]."

He sounded so confident in his words that you found it difficult not to believe him despite your common sense trying to break through, albeit your curious side managed to prevail.

"Could I perhaps take a look inside the room...?"

"Be my guest."

The room wasn't as overwhelming the second time around, but it was all still something foreign to you. Now inside, you had a better view around the room and better access to its contents. You found yourself walking over to the stand that held nearly a dozen different whips and crops. Wouldn't one just do?

It was so odd, yet weirdly appealing at the same time. You were fully aware of how downright wrong it was for you to be standing in your boss' sex room of all things, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave. It was something new; something you oddly enough found yourself longing to try.

Even Jumin could tell by your expression how interested you were by the room. You kept opening your mouth and closing it before you could even utter a word as if you were afraid of what you might say. All the while, a faint blush remained on your cheeks which never ceased to amuse him.

"Does this appear to be something you're interested in?" Jumin finally asked.

Deep down, you knew you should've lied, but the more curious side of you was begging you to learn more about the things in front of you, not to mention the sexual side of you that you managed to keep down for so long was yearning to try out everything in front of you.

"Yes, it is."

"Forgive my boldness but since you signed the contract, you are more than welcome to try out everything here. As long as you obey my rules, of course," he offered calmly, not phased at all.

"With... with you?"

You kicked yourself for how horrible that came out, but you were so surprised by the sudden offer that you didn't even bother taking a moment to think. This whole situation felt so surreal that you feared it was merely a dream, yet the gravity of the situation was enough to make you realize that this was no dream that you could ever fathom.

"I was assuming it would be me. I don't recall anyone else living here," he said monotonously before cracking a smile, making you realize it was merely a joke.

You chuckled nervously but in reality, you felt as if you were being suffocated. How could you be expected to say no, even if you wanted to? Was this really how your job at the C&R company would end? By a mistake as foolish as entering the wrong room?

"But please, don't overthink this. As my employee, you are by no means obligated to agree to this. There will be no consequences whatsoever if you do not wish to partake in it. Business matters and personal matters play two different parts, I wouldn't want our personal lives to affect our business lives."

His words lifted a heavy weight off your shoulders, yet you were still hesitant to agree despite how curious you were. Jumin was no doubt a professional man, but how would he treat you at work if something ever happened? And how would the tension between the two of be during work hours after doing unspeakable things with each other? This job meant far too much to you to dare risk it like this.

At least, not yet.

"Would you mind if perhaps I took a day just to think about it?" you asked.

"Of course," he said with a smile. "I personally dislike rash decisions so I appreciate the thought you are putting into this. Now come, I'll have Driver Kim take you back to your home."

And as you allowed Jumin to escort you out of the sex room, you couldn't help but feel just the slightest of disappointment. 

「Desire || Jumin Han x Reader NSFW」Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя