Chapter 1

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It was supposed to be a normal night for Lincoln Loud. He was supposed to be trick or treating with family, but they had other plans. Then there was Clyde, who was visiting family that night. So he was all alone in the street in his Ace Savvy costume. He sat on the sidewalk with tears in his eyes

Lincoln: Maybe they still think I'm bad luck

???: What's this about bad luck, young one?

Lincoln: What?

Lincoln said as he turned around to see a woman with face paint, native american clothes, and horns coming out of her head

???: I said, what are you talking about being bad luck?

Lincoln: W-who are you?

???: Oh sorry, my name's Zonta, and yours?

Lincoln: Lincoln, I've never seen you before, are you new?

Zonta: Guess you can say that, now where's your family?

Lincoln: I don't know, they left with my sisters a while ago, my friend Clyde is off visiting family, and I'm alone on Halloween

Lincoln then explained how he was labeled as Bad Luck and everything bad that happened to him. He explained how he was treated poorly by his sisters and ignored by his parents. Zonta listened to everything and she scowled. She then put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder

Zonta: Lincoln... how would you like to not be alone again?

Lincoln: W-what?

Zonta: I can make it so you won't be alone anymore

Lincoln took this into consideration. On one hand he wouldn't have to be alone anymore. But on the other, he was trusting some random person. He thought and thought until he said

Lincoln: Alright, make it so I'm not alone anymore

Zonta: Then shake my hand, Lincoln Loud, and you won't be alone anymore

Lincoln stretched out his hand as he grasped hers. They shook and Lincoln felt pain surge through his body. He was brought down to his knees as a marking appeared on the back of his hand. It was a ram skull in a circle. Around the circle were words that were not from any known language that Lincoln knew of. Soon, Lincoln blacked out and the woman was hovering over him

Zonta: Now to take you home... master

The Next Morning:

Lincoln woke up to find that he was in his bed. He touched his head with his left hand to have it sting. He held it close to him as he inspected his hand

Lincoln: What's this? A tattoo, mom and dad are going to kill me,

Zonta: Only you can see the mark, and I have the same mark on my hand

Zonta was sitting across from him. She startled him as he fell off the bed

Zonta: Sorry I startled you, but you must be getting ready for the day

Lincoln: W-what are you doing in my house? More importantly, how did I get into my house, and how did you get into my house?

Zonta: *Giggle* All will be revealed in time, but for now, get ready

She followed him to the bathroom, where she stood outside. When he got out, she gave him fresh clothes and brushed his hair. Lincoln felt uncomfortable about all this.

Lincoln: Alright, who are you really and how did you get into my house, and what's with this tattoo on my hand?

Zonta: My name is really Zonta, and I'm a spirit of sorts

Lincoln: Spirit, spirits don't exist

Zonta: I beg to differ,

They then heard several people head to the bathroom



Lucy: Sigh, I was here first

Lincoln sighed as he walked out wearing his normal clothes. Zonta followed behind him and they went downstairs. He grabbed a bowl and got him some cereal. He ate it in silence as Zonta sat near him. She watched him as his siblings come down to watch TV. Lincoln was finished done eating and Zonta took his bowl for him

Lincoln: Thank you, Zonta

Zonta: No problem

Lincoln then walked to his room after Zonta was done cleaning his bowl. He walked upstairs and touched the knob to his door. He heard footsteps and said

Lincoln: Why are you following me?

Lucy: How did you know I was here?

Lincoln: Lucy! Don't scare me like that

Lucy: How did you know I was here

Lincoln: (Nervous) L-Lucky guess

Zonta appeared behind Lucy and passed through her. Lucy shivered and crossed her arms

Lucy: It's cold

Lincoln: R-really, it feels fine to me

Lucy: Sigh, I may have a cold

Lucy left as Zonta followed Lincoln into his room

Lincoln: What was that?

Zonta: What was what?

Lincoln: How did you pass through Lucy? How did she not see you?

Zonta: Like I said, I'm a spirit, and I have made a contract with you

Lincoln: Contract?

Zonta: Yes, you are my master and I am your servant

Zonta explained how the contract worked and how she was his slave

Lincoln: I-I don't feel comfortable about this master and slave thing

Zonta: You'll get used to it in time. But remember, if anything physical where to harm you, I will interfere

Lincoln: Alright, can you stand outside while I read?

Zonta: Of course... master

[Hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'm trying my best to make these things and I'm just running out of ideas and I think I'm suffering from a minor writer's block]

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