Chapter 1: my crush

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Isabel POV

"Finally, it's summer!" I tossed and turned in my warm, cozy bed with a huge smile on my face. I decided today, I will not leave my room. School just ended, I need to recuperate and live in this wonderful moment.

" No more homework for a while, no more waking up @7am in the morning..." I mumbled slowly going back to sleep.

5 minutes later, I heard knocking at my room door. I cover my face with my white, soft sheet and tried my best to go back to sleep. I thought if I kept quiet, who is knocking at the door will eventually go away.

The knocking at the door got louder and louder. I tried my best to ignore it but I couldn't

" Go away!" I shouted

Shortly after, I heard the door knob turning and footsteps approaching my bed. I remove the sheet that was covering my face and shouted " I said go away Imannuel!"

" This is not Immanuel, its Damion and Sherrissa" Damion said laughing.

"What are yall doing here?, its like 7:30am" I said rubbing my eyes to get a better look at their faces.

"We come to get you" said Sherrissa

" Me ? Why? I told you guys I will be staying in all day today"

"I told Damion but he said two people can't play hide and seek and we should get you"

I look at Damion furiously before covering myself under the sheet once again

After 5 minutes of them begging me and attempting to take me away from my warm, cozy bed, I gave in.

" Okay, okay I will get readyyy"

They look at each other with huge grin on their face


At the park

It has been more than  5 minutes since the game started and I still can't find anyone. As I search for them uninterestedly, I thought maybe I just go back home.

"I doubt they would know I left" I chuckled to myself.

As I attempt to sneak off back home, I saw him, the most handsome boy I ever seen. Well, I am only 12 years old. I haven't seen much boys or had any interest at all. But Bryan seem different, you could tell he wasn't from here.

His black, shiny hair looked beautiful in the wind as he played football. Omg, he just smiled. His smile was everything

For a minute there, I was glad I came to the park to play with my friends. Normally, I hated  playing " hide and seek" with  Damion and sherrisa because I could never find anyone but luckily that day I found 'THE ONE'.

I just couldn't stop staring at him, wondering who is he at the time.

I wanted to get his attention sooo bad, but I didn't know what to do. Before you know it,

that's me...

walking into a tree.

So yes, if you're wondering I did get his attention after all but not how I wanted it to be.

As I lay down with my eyes shut, wishing I could forget everything. I started saying ' there's no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home' I recite those words three times while knocking my shoes together and then I slowly open my eyes hoping that when I do, I will actually be at home laying in bed.

Unfortunately I didn't, thanks Wizard of Oz...

When I did open my eyes, Damion was way too close in my face laughing while sherrisa looked worried.

I signed, questioning myself out loud"why does this always happen to me?"

"Um maybe because your a clutz" Damion said chuckling.

"Shut up Damion!, Are you okay?" Sherrisa asked me

"But but, she aske-" damion stop speaking immediately when he saw sherrisa gave him " THE LOOKED". When sherrisa was upset or annoyed, she always gave us 'THE LOOKED'. It's her polite way of telling us to shut the hell up.

Damion lower his head down to me again and said, " Are you okay, Isa?

For a moment there, I actually thought this boy cared until he burst out a laugh in my face. I couldn't help but laughed at myself too, even sherrisa laughed. I continued laying on the ground where I fell for a minute, my head really started to hurt me especially with all that laughing. I close my eyes and started picturing Bryan Cranston, I then mumbled " Who is that cutie over there?" pointing in the direction I last seen him with my eyes closed.

"Who Bryan?" Sherrisa said smiling

"hmm Bryan, I like that name" I said with my eyes closed.

I heard an unfamiliar voice said and laughed " thanks I like it too and your name is?"

I slowly open one of my eyes, and when I saw who it was. I close it back, omg it was Bryan, did he hear me!? Of course he did, he just answered. Omg omg omg what am I going to do by the way, his breath was minty fresh, right then and there I knew I wanted some mints that boy was real close to my face as well. I was scared to speak, I got up quickly and started stuttering " i- its Is-is"

"C'mon, you can say it, it's is-Is- that's right say it with me Is- is -isa" Damion teased

Sherrisa hits his arm, and whispered " shutttt up Damion"

"I was just trying to help since she can't remember her own name" he whined

I looked away from bryan beautiful eyes, finally remembering my name that was given to me from I was born

" Isabel Montique" I said while looking everywhere except on him because most likely I would blush or forget he was asking me something again.

"Well I just came over to see if you're okay , I saw you fell" he said

Oh my gosh! He saw that. My life is ruin

Damion started to add more embarrassment "dude you saw that too, it was sooooo" he glimpse sherrisa giving him the looked , "soooo not funny at all, she could of die or something, real sad, a big Tragedy".

He saw me fell!, that's all i could think about, his words replaying over and over and over in my head, " I saw you fell, I saw you fell, i saw yooooou felllll".

I snapped out of it and said "Yeah i-i'm o-o-okay, thanks for asking" I faked a smile, finally looking at him but not in his eyes.

" No prob, see you around" he said running back to where he was playing soccer with his friends.

"Okay, later, bye, have a great day, see you," I shouted after him

He turned  around and smiled

"Real smooth" Damion laughed

*****5 years later*****

So much time has past, and I still remember that day like yesterday. One of the most embrassing moment of my life, all thanks to Damion and clumpsy me.

If he was here, he would probably say your welcome


So years pass, a lot of years. Who has changed
Is Bryan Cranston, her boyfriend yet?

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