Chapter 4: Strange

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Isabel POV

First class of the day was Mathematics, my favourite.

I entered my class and they weren't any front seat, not like I cared, I said smiling inside, but there weren't any seats in the middle or the sides or even at the window now I cared.

After looking through the classroom, there were only two seats at the back, I decided to sit there not like I had much of a choice. The teacher weren't in as yet, and I'm not use to getting up so early I decided to take a short nap

When the teacher arrive, I got up and when I look up to see who took the other seat. I was shocked, its Bryan. We never had a class together, could this be faith.

First day of school, it's only right for us to introduce ourselves. I really hate these sort of things. I just wanna run away like can I go to the bathroom and when y'all finish I'll come back

After introducing ourselves, it was time for the fun stuffs. Mathematics hurray!

The teacher decide to start us off with something pretty simple, "Algebra"

She wrote five problems on the board to solve and I'm in my own little world trying to finish quickly so I can have some time to stare at Bryan before Mr.Ean, the maths teacher, start doing the questions on the board. I was on the last question until I felt someone poke me at my side.

I already know who it is and I totally forget not to look in his eyes. I'm Bryancalize, I was just looking at him

And then, He said "hey sexy". Alright I lied, he didn't say that, he said " hey can you help me with this number 3, I just can't seem to get it"

"Okay sure, umm okay I see where you went wrong . It shouldn't be a three here, just a two"

"Oh like me and you , one, two" he said pointing to me then him

Okay that's not what he said either but whatever

"Your so smart" he said

"You really think so? "I said hoping that he carry on

"Yeah you are, your probably the only one even understand this. Look at the whole class".

I laughed "guess your right". Noticing that everyone head were on the table, people were also their phones

"Um I'm wondering would it be okay with you and your boyfriend if you tutor me sometimes with Mathematics, I really need to do good in this class"

"Yes" I replied way too quickly

He nodded and went back to figuring out the rest of the questions

Omg we are going to have study dates , this is what I been waiting for all this time. I have to clean my room but wait hold up , did he just say boyfriend? Which boyfriend?

"Hey Bryan" I whispered, " did you just say boyfriend? "

" yeah that boy you always come to school with and leave with, what's his name"

" Damion?" I said in confusion

" yeah him"

" he is not my boyfriend, he is just my best friend"

" yeah right , that's not what it looks like today in the hall" he said

"Well am telling you, we are just best friends"

" sure thing" he said, " can I get your number to call you?"

" call me ?"

" yeah to discuss when we can meet so I can come over for you to help me study, I'll pay if you don't wanna do it for free"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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