Chapter 2: changed

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Isabel POV

It's 5 years later, and when I tell you everything has changed. No exaggeration, everything has changed.

I'm now 5'5", skinny some people would say but I say I'm slim. I have long black straight hair, dark brown eyes and a straight nose and I'm pretty average in the face I think.

Oh yeah, this will be my last year of high school, thank you god.

No more drama.

No more Nicknames.

No more fake friend

Yeah I said 'fake friend' must be wondering which one is it right, Sherrisa or Damion?

"And no more waking up early in the morning to go to school" I said out loud with my hands stretched in the air. Can I get a halluejah someone

So it was my first day back to school, I went downstairs to see my mom and dad making out. " Ew, ew, ew" I screamed and continue to say, "please don't do that in front of me"

"Well technical, they weren't in front of you. You came and saw them" my little brother, Immanuel said

"Shut up, isn't this bothering you? " I asked

"Not at all, today is my first day of high school. I want to learn how to kiss, " he said

"That's why you are watching them, eww" I turned and glanced back at them before picking up a toast. I was about to take a bite but that image was stuck in my head, I just slowly put it back down looking at them in disgust. Loss my appetite honestly.

"Yup, not like I can watch you. You never do anything " Rafael said

My dad immediately stopped kissing my mom and said " That's right and you better not do anything"

"Daaaaaaad! I'm not . I'm leaving right now" I rushed to the door.

Mom laughed, " bye sweetie"

"Bye" I said heading out the door


I waited 5 minutes around the corner, finally my ride came.

"Your late" I said folding my arms

"Nah your just too early" he said laughing

" Your so not funny" but I laughed anyway, it was the same old Damion. He looks so different now, I haven't seen him since he told me that he and his family is going to Jamaica for the summer, not admiring my best friend or anything but he was hot. Hmm I never noticed.

His black hair gotten a little longer, and is that a little muscle I see, okay Damion you showing out. I always admire his eyes though because they are hazel and his dimples, its weird I never notice how attractive he is and we been friends for so long.

He looked at me. And I quickly take my eyes off him, wondering if I said all of that out loud. He then said unlocking the door, " Aren't you going to get in?"

"Yeah, I was jus-" I stopped myself before completely saying something I would regret

"You were just what" he said when realizing I didn't finish what I was going to say. He frown me off when he saw I wasn't going to reply to that and he continued to say "so you ready for the last year of high school?"

"I guess"

"You guess, you better I'm going to make this the best year of our lives just wait" he said speeding in the car "woooooo"

"Woooooooooo" I chimed in

Our school was 20 minutes away from my house and I was still tired from waking up early in the morning so I decided to get some sleep on the way. After a while, I was woken up by hearing Khalid music, he wasn't my favourite artiste but his songs are really good.

His song 'location' was playing. I jumped up and started singing on the top of my lungs " SEND ME YOURRRR LOCATIONNN! CAUSE I JUST NEED SOMEONE AND A PLACE TO GO TOO....."

Damion started laughing

"Why are you laughing?" I said in confusion

"That's so not the lyrics to the song Isa"

"It is" , I said

"Fine, you win that's how it goes. Just don't sing that in public"

Why not I pouted my lips . And for a second I caught his eyes move from my eyes down to my lips

"Well for starters, Isa your beautiful but your voice definitely ain't" he said looking back on the road

" You think I'm beautiful " I said looking in the mirror


"Wait wait, Smooth talker huh, giving me a compliment with an insult, knowing that I will focus on the compliment not this time buddy"

He chuckled" gotta lay you down easy babe"

Did he just call me "babe", he always call you that Isabel . Why did it make me feel someway now though

I ignored the feeling and said " Lets have a sing off , right now"

" I can't, I gotta keep my eyes on the road you know that " he said turning up the music

" Excuses excuses you lil punk" I said

" I can't hear you, the music is too loud" he said smiling.

I smiled back and just went back to sleep

Finally we arrived at school , I can't wait to go home

I was about to open the door then Damion said "wait, I'll get it".

Such a gentleman he turned out to be, usually Damion would watch me struggle to open his crappy car door and stood their laughing but now ...

"Thank you sir " I smiled

"Your welcome ma'am"

We started walking towards the doors of the school, I looked at him and said "are you ready?"

"Been ready, babe"

We open the doors and....


What will happen next?
Will her last year of highschool be great? Or not?
Is Bryan Cranston, her boyfriend?
What happen to sherrisa?

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