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Y / N

You pulled the thin blanket further up your chest, flinching when the cold air hits your feet when the cloth shifts. It isn't long enough to cover your entire body.

Your lift your bandaged arm and rest it against your forehead, blocking out the brightness seeping through your eyelids from specks of city lights dotted over the streets and beyond.

You just about manage to drift to sleep when loud footsteps start sounding across the carpark.

You jerk awake and kick the blanket off before going very still and staring at the space of the carpark.

When the footsteps grow louder, you move to the back of a pillar and hide.

Then it stops completely and there's another sound.

It's the familiar thump of the radio hitting the floor lightly.

As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you manage to make out the angled jawline of the boy whom you've been praying not to run into.

Music starts and the boy dances.

Then you lay back down uncomfortably, staring up at the ceiling.

You only just temporarily loose track of the situation you're in as sleep takes you easily and quickly.


The boy's dancing quickens along with his pants for breath.

He falls to the ground as fatigue takes over his tired and aching limbs, a result of non-stop, continuous dancing.

He curls into a ball and buries his face into his knees.

It doesn't take long for the boy's heavy panting to stop and his heartbeat to slow down to its normal pace.

His curious eyes wander across the place, and he stands when he manages to make out the patterns of the decorated walls.

He takes tentative steps towards it, his arm raising itself as he touches the wall.

He squints his eyes and goes very still, trying to read some handwriting on the wall.

It's only then he noticed the light breathing coming from the back of the pillar.

Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he pads towards the source of the soft sound.

His inhales and exhales stop completely when he catches what's resting against the pillar.

It's a human form that's covered with some kind of cloth, most likely sleeping.

Crouching down, he takes a look at the person's face before grumbling angrily.

It's the girl.

The boy sighs deeply before sitting down beside her, examining her facial features. He zones out after that, but doesn't refocus.

But his mouth falls open when he sees the bandage on her arm. He gently reaches over to shift the girl's arm to take a better look at it.

The areas that weren't covered with the bandage were scarred. If it was possible, his chin would have already been touching the floor.

Pity, along with heavy guilt, overcomes his tired self as he realises that she's a victim of self-harm.

And seeing how he's already been rude to her, he was really surprised that she didn't break down right in front of him there and then.

Images of blades and blood flash in his mind, reminding him of the memories he didn't want to recall.

He had once been like her, dragging a knife over his skin like a paintbrush over a canvas.

The last thing he remembers before falling asleep are the tears in his eyes overflowing down his cheekbones.

Y / N

You stir gently as sunlight hits your face.

Flinching away from the sun, your hand comes into contact with something else.

Something that isn't supposed to be here.

You turn, and it takes awhile for you to focus on what you had touched.

When you do, you're stumbling backwards and running for your life.

Your back slams against the wall all the way at then end of the long empty space, creating a loud echo that reverberates through the entire place.

You're not surprised when the figure sits up suddenly, frantically looking around.

When you recognise his face, you internally sigh.

Why does this boy have to keep popping up in your life?

When his eyes meet yours, you feel completely winded. All the oxygen has left your lungs and you're gaping at him, wide-mouthed.

His orbs remain glued to yours and you almost feel your soul leaving your body. The usual rage that's always present behind them is gone, and for the first time, you catch a hint of kindness in his eyes.

Hundreds and thousands of questions were running through your head, but when the boy's gaze penetrates your soul your mind goes completely blank.

"Why were you sleeping here?" The boy mouths silently from the other end of the carpark, still dazed.

The only reaction he gets is you sprinting down the spiral slope.

His shouts only make you run faster.


sry if this is so boring istg i'm trying to drag this

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